Chapter 23: Cramped

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Before leaving the work, Hong Tianfang hurried into Qi Tang's office.

Qi Tang sat at the desk, his face was as smooth as a mirror, and he moved leisurely when looking at the recruited team information sheet, and there was a vague sense of comfort in reading.

"...Mr. Qi."

Hong Tianfang shouted dryly, feeling very uncomfortable with Qi Tang's calm attitude after such a big incident.

"Boss Yan is downstairs—I didn't say that."

Hong Tianfang knew that Qi Tang didn't want Yanren to know about the team. His rather powerful boss was already working on connecting with the new team, and he gave timely feedback on the current situation. appease.

Before his rebirth, after Qi Tang learned that Yanren had returned unexpectedly, he was more of a concealment and tired of coping, and did not have the slightest desire for help flooding into his heart.

But now, he knew why Yanren came.

Invite the President Yan." He said lightly to Hong Tianfang, the documents in his hand were put back on the table, and he leaned back into the armchair with a calm attitude.

In order to successfully negotiate the intelligent service project, Yanren has now opened up the market overseas. Except for returning every month during Qitang's susceptible period, he basically stays in U country for the rest of the time.

Yanren didn't tell him in detail what he was doing abroad, and Qi Tang didn't know after seven years of marriage. If it wasn't for Qi Yunchang telling the truth after drinking, he didn't know how long this silent secret would have been hidden.

Since Yan Ren has been in the U country for a long time, foreign media have always had scandalous news, but at that time Qi Tang was too busy in the country to do anything, and he didn't even want to kill public opinion in person.

What's more, he is also the source of public opinion, and even clarification has become an inexplicable shame.

Hong Tianfang knocked on the door and invited Yanren into Qi Tang's office.

Yan Ren thought that he would see Qi Tang's distressed side, but Qi Tang in front of him was too relaxed, making his prepared remarks useless.

"Sit down." Qi Tang motioned to him, "I'll get off work in a little while."

In an emergency that was supposed to work overtime, he was able to get off work on time. Yanren's eyes glanced at Hong Tianfang, seeing Hong Tianfang's face full of bitterness and saying no out, he frowned indistinctly.

After seven years of marriage and work experience, Qi Tang knew that as long as Yanren hired the foreign team, the Qi family could once again maximize benefits.

He didn't need to be in a hurry, and he no longer felt ashamed looking back.

The change in mentality made him quite calm. Since he can solve it, he doesn't have to put too much pressure on himself.

Qi Tang looked at the team documents and found that compared with the future team, these members more or less have some deficiencies in gold content.

Although Yan Ren had no waves on his face, he could even feel the rare feeling of sitting on pins and needles in his eyes.

"Yan Ren." Qi Tang's eyes shifted, looking at Yan Ren's slightly suspicious eyes, "Did you come here because of the resignation of Qi's team?"

Yan Ren was speechless for a while.

If he said yes, he actually intervened in Qi's internal affairs. If he said no, Qi Tang seemed to know about it, and he became a concealment.

Qi Tang's eyes did not leave Yanren's face for a moment, and it was extremely rare to see Yanren's slightly embarrassed look.

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