Chapter 8: Joke

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After Qi Tang arrived at the Qi family, Hong Tianfang came down to pick him up.

"Mr. Yan just came to see the project, and is still in the office."

Qi Tang paused slightly and walked in without any expression.

Yanren was sitting on the sofa with a notebook on his long, folded legs. He looked at Qi Tang with a strong sense of strength, and the cold moment seemed to rub against Qi Tang's heart.

For Yanren, the smell in the air made him extremely disgusted. Qi Tang should not have the smell of any other Alpha, and his whole body should be completely enveloped by his own smell.

"Have you met An Ziye?"


His breath began to heat up while he was breathing, and the thoughts of possession and plunder engraved in his instinct seemed to be shackles that needed to be broken.

Qi Tang sat down on the office chair and clearly felt that Yan Ren's eyes were full of dangerous pressure.

Yan Ren looked at Qi Tang bottomless, suddenly got up and walked around quickly, the suppressed movements and uncertain emotions made Qi Tang's eyelashes tremble slightly.

——Every time I see An Ziye, it is as if he is provoking Yanren's strong Alpha nerves.

He inadvertently forgot that the YanRen was coming today, if he had thought of it earlier -

Qi Tang watched Yanren leaning over, his articulated palm resting on the armrest of his office chair and the desk, the whole person seemed to be coerced pressed down and surround Qi Tang.

The hot breath exploded as the distance was shortened in a blink of an eye, like the sudden expansion of a spark.

He smelled Yan Ren's breath, and this familiarity made him tremble a little uncontrollably. After losing Yan Ren, he regained his fresh breath.

The temperature is like a kind of stroking, and the tall figure covers Qi Tang like a shadow.

Qi Tang was stiff.

Yan Ren's downcast eyes were as dark as the sea, and the surging emotions were layered and turned into darkness like the night.

Qi Tang slightly raised his head to look at him, and even the side of his neck tightened a little in the anxious and unavoidable resistance.

In the past six months, they have not been too close except during the susceptible period. Such a distance seems to hide Yanren's edge, turning into a cold arc like a blade.

No one is willing to show weakness, and the weak jealousy sharply rises and shrinks, deeply engulfing the pretended calm.

Yan Ren raised his hand and rubbed Qi Tang's side neck, his thumb swept across his chin.

"Deal with it." Yan Ren's voice was extremely low and cold, and the warning was so strong that it could not be ignored, "The smell on your body."

This kind of contact is too bright and hot, and Yan Ren's movements are not heavy or heavy. It is light, but it has a critical meaning of slow and gritted teeth.

Qi Tang pushed away Yan Ren's palm in an instant, avoiding that clear intention, and suddenly got up and moved the office chair back quickly.

He left Yanren and walked quickly to the next door, as if he was staggering the brilliant edge that Yanren couldn't control.

Qi Tang worked hard to calm down the trembling that was easily caused but hard to contain, and then washed An Ziye's breath so that there was no residue left.

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