Chapter 19: Reject

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The phone is ringing.

Qi Tang frowned and stretched out his hand, but suddenly felt that he was being held in his arms. The movement of the mobile phone quietened down, Qi Tang squinted slightly and felt a gentle kiss on the cheek.

"Hong Tianfang is here to send you the documents." Yanren whispered next to him, "I'll go downstairs to get it, don't touch your legs."

The moderate and gentle restrictions on his body were loosened, and the place that Yanren had held was re-contacted. The air, the coolness in the blowing flow is clear.

The bed was heavy and light, Yan Ren fastened his nightgown, got up and walked towards the door.

The door was closed, and Qi Tang's sleepiness was swept away.

——He hasn't been close to Yanren for a long time to fall asleep again. Since An Shi's drinking night, a bed has been divided into two halves, and the non-susceptibility period will hardly cross the line.

This kind of intimacy of exchanging body temperature when waking up is very unaccustomed to Qi Tang.

He sat up with his legs bent slightly, the existence of the wound was obvious, and the tense pain was faintly burning.

Hong Tianfang's phone was hung up by Yanren, but he did not call again. The time on the phone is 2019.05.24, Qi Tang stared at the screen slowly, and locked the phone when Yanren pushed the door back.

Yan Ren entered the door with the documents and was a little surprised to see Qi Tang's sober appearance, "Don't sleep?"

Qi Tang took care of the wound and slowly got down from the bed, "Yeah."

The documents were placed on the desk, and Yan Ren left. Going to the bedside, he slowly rubbed his neck and asked, "Aren't you going to go to the company today?"

Qi Tang looked down at the wound on her leg and said "um" as instructed by the doctor.

The doctor advised him not to wear trousers to wrap the wound, but it felt too strange not to wear formal clothes in the company, and Qi Tang simply didn't want to go.

As soon as Yan Ren lay down on the bed, he covered the quilt and wrapped it in the middle of the bed.

Qi Tang felt a little uncomfortable watching the "half" boundary set with Yanren a year later was broken by Yanren. He paused and asked, "Aren't you going to the company?"

"I'm not going."

Yan Ren slept on Qi Tang's pillow, Qi Tang looked at him for a long time and didn't wait for Yan Ren to open his eyes before asking, "You didn't sleep last night?

" Just a moment." Yan Ren's voice relaxed, he looked at Qi Tang with half-open eyes, "Does your leg still hurt?"

Qi Tang's fingers against the door tightened slightly, and said naturally, "It's okay."

The two of them today ,They are all at home, Qi Tang works from home, and the YanRen is to make up for sleep. Qi Tang took the documents into the study, and always felt that Yan Ren was very comfortable now. After all, he was used to the alienated marriage a year later. Qi Tang couldn't help but feel uncomfortable with such a harmonious life.

The documents sent by Hong Tianfang were not difficult, and the computer and the company could then process them. Qi Tang browsed the file and put it aside temporarily, and called Hong Tianfang directly.

"Secretary Hong, do you remember the funding problem that Manager Chen disclosed five years ago?"

Hong Tianfang was stunned for a moment, then immediately affirmed.

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