Chapter 53: Cute

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Qi Yunchang was very happy about Ouyang Yan's visit to the class.

As Mrs. Qi who is admired by thousands of people, Ouyang Yan's maintenance, watching dramas and novels, shopping, and, basically everything does not require to come to the company to deliver loving meals. After all, husband and wife can meet at night.

"Where's Xiaotang?" Ouyang Yan put the snacks she bought on Qi Yunchang's desk at will, and turned to go out to find her son.

"Following the project, are you looking for him?"

Ouyang Yan looked back at Qi Yunchang in surprise and innocent, "I'm here to find Xiaotang, do you think I'm coming to see you?"

Qi Yunchang drank the bitter water after marriage without changing his face, said to the secretary, "Take Madam there."

Ouyang Yan happily found Qi Tang, who was sitting in the group listening to the preset project plan.

The secretary knocked on the glass door, Qi Tang turned around and relaxed a little from sitting upright. Seeing that it was Ouyang Yan, he signaled to pause, got up and walked to the door.


"In a meeting?"

Qi Tang glanced back slightly, "No, you came to me to hear about the project?"

"Well, when are you free?"

Ouyang Yan saw Qi Tang without a trace After a pause, "Wait a minute."

Today is the day to meet with Yanren. Although Qi Tang doesn't know what place Yanren will arrange to meet, judging from the trip to Tsk that Yanren arranged not long ago, it should be the same. Will choose the right place according to his romantic cells.

"Then you are busy first, I will wait." Ouyang Yan said with a smile.

Qi Tang nodded, and when he was about to enter the door, he hesitated for a while, then tilted his head and asked, "Is there any arrangement?"

"We'll talk about it later."

Qi Tang faintly felt that something was wrong, but seeing that Ouyang Yan was deliberately trying to tease him, he did not continue to ask.

MH hid very well, and Qi Tang felt deeply, otherwise the Qi family would not be willing to join after considering it.

Judging from Qi Tang's follow-up, it is definitely not far from the time when the project is confirmed, and he has not yet found any signs of MH's decline from Qi's U-country branch.

How did Yanren know?

Yan Shi was aware of it, so didn't he have business negotiation with MH in this regard?

Qi Tang's eyes are meaningless on a certain line of documents, memory weaves the past into a line with a high degree of completion, and thoughts are like electric currents that overlap the past and the future completely -

Yanren didn't know about this before rebirth, this point Qi Tang can be sure. Before the Qi family signed the contract, Yanren knew nothing about it.

What does he know now, and when did he know it?

"Then we plan to sign a contract with MH in 28 days. Don't tell MH about this for the time being." The project team leader confirmed the document and put his hands on the table.

The team leader looked at Qi Tang, Qi Tang looked unpredictable, but nodded slightly coldly.

After more than half a month of project follow-up, these team members have found that Qi Tang is not a novice in the project, nor is he a dandy prince who came to work here. He has a very rich experience reserve, and at the same time, he is not lost to the coldness of the boss and Courageous.

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