Chapter 16: Exception

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After peeling the fruit, Ouyang Yan and Qi Yunchang came out of the kitchen and put the fruit plate on the coffee table.

Qi Mei walked back holding the snack bag, and her two straight, slender legs clattered on the slippers.

"Come and eat some fruit."

Qi Mei replied obediently, leaning forward and taking a piece for Yan Shuyang.

Her long soft hair slid down from behind her shoulders, and the three pearls interlocked on her ears were lustrous and lustrous.

Yan Shuyang has been in U country for a long time and knows more about the lace news on foreign media than Qi Tang.

She knew that Yanren had a sticky shadow abroad, and she had seen the little star come to look for her nephew with her own eyes.

The air layer in the huge living room gradually became thinner, and only the clear dialogue came from the sound.

Qi Mei bit down with a "click".

In fact, Yan Shuyang came to Qi Tang specially, which was the second time for Qi Tang.

She couldn't ask too straightforwardly, and Qi Tang didn't think anything happened to Yan Renhui and An's illegitimate daughter before.

She knew that Yan Ren and Qi Tang made mistakes at the beginning of their marriage, and she told Qi Tang at the earliest that he didn't have to accept it.

Yan Shuyang glanced at Qi Tang without a trace, and found that his attitude was extremely calm, the color of the TV reflected in his gentle pupils, and there was no echo.

Qi Yunchang frowned and looked at his mobile phone, not interested in the dog blood TV series.

The clock in the living room was ticking, Yan Shuyang patiently counted fifteen laps before turning to Qi Tang and said, "Xiao Tang, your mother said the room is ready for you, will you take me to visit?"

Qi Tang nodded and got up. Then he said to Qi Yunchang, "Dad, you have to rest early, don't stay up too late."

Qi Yunchang raised his head and replied with a slight smile.

After Qi's accident, Qi Yunchang's physical condition became very bad. Now that he has recovered, he still can't sleep in the night for long time.

Yan Shuyang followed Qi Tang upstairs, and the sound of Mian's footsteps seemed to rustle the fragile air.

Entering Qi Tang's room, Qi Tang turned on the light and motioned for Yan Shuyang to sit first.

"Did you see something, Aunt?" Qi Tang sat down on the edge of the bed, her smile embellished like a feather, which eased Yan Shuyang's mood.

"That woman..." Yan Shuyang paused, glanced at the closed door again, and then said casually, "I know she always looks for Xiaoyan when abroad, because there is no movement from you here—"

Qi Tang Without a word of laughter, the flowing night light penetrated into the bottom of his eyes, and there was a shallow cool light.

"You know about this, did you tell Xiaoyan about it?"

"No." Qi Tang's voice was shallow, soaking in a gentle cool gray tone.

Yan Shuyang knew that Qi Tang would not show too much emotion in front of the elders, he was always convincing and reassuring, so long as he was covered up by Qi Tang, it would be difficult for them as elders to realize the situation, "Xiao Yan it shouldn't be..."

Qi Tang's eyes drooped down, and a vague sense of exhaustion accumulated at the end of his eyes, like a faint water light - the
room was very quiet, and Qi Tang's sighed slight wry smile became brighter.

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