Chapter 25: Headline

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Qi Tang rested early without any psychological burden because he knew that the matter would be resolved.

When Yanren came back in the middle of the night, he could only hold Qi Tang until dawn.

On the morning of April 10, Qi Tang was awakened by Yan Ren's actions.

With a kiss on the cheek, Yan Ren tilted his head and sniffed under Qi Tang's jaw, "Sleep on you, it's alright."

Qi Tang was very uncomfortable with Yanren's uncharacteristic behavior in the early morning, and he wanted to turn it over. He turned around, but was carried back by Yan Ren, "Wait a minute."

"What are you doing?"

"Take two pictures." Yan Ren handed the phone to Qi Tang, and Qi Tang took it with half-squinted eyes.

The photos were taken from outside, not too close or too far away, and the pixels were extremely clear. The floor-to-ceiling windows of Yanren's mansion are clear and bright, and the whole villa in off-white tones is especially soft in the green shadow.

Qi Tang enlarged the picture and saw clearly the area that Yanren wanted to photograph.

They are in high positions and usually have excellent privacy protection. But now, the curtain was slightly opened by the window, the sun was spreading in, and the corner of the double bed came into view.

Their folded legs were relaxed and comfortable, Yan Ren took off his nightgown, but Qi Tang was still wearing it, only slightly scattered after the night. The arms that hug Qi Tang can see his very close strength, as if he wants to be close to Qi Tang all the time, and the meaning of intimacy cannot be ignored at all.

All above the waist was blocked by the curtains, Qi Tang returned the phone to him, Yan Ren admired it for a while before asking, "How is it?"

Qi Tang narrowed his eyes slightly and got up from the bed, "Do you want to..."

Yan Ren sat up and closed the curtains with the central console, then hugged Qi Tang's waist and kissed his tight flank, "I want to buy the headlines of the foreign media 'Boli'."

Qi Tang's left hand Putting it on Yanren's shoulder, he lowered his head slightly, looked at Yanren and said, "I thought you would let Secretary Chen clean up this—"

Yan Ren let out a low laugh, and buried himself in Qi Tang's nightgown very indulgently, "This kind of trouble is too much to be deleted. We must solve the problem from the source."

The tip of Qi Tang's tongue trembled slightly, the source?

For so many years, there has been only one source from beginning to end, and their failure in the limelight has begun.

"They think our marriage has an opportunity, so they dare to publish these scandals without you and I turning a blind eye." Yan Ren took his left wrist and rubbed Qi Tang's wedding ring with his lips, and then he The knuckles are slightly occluded.

"Leave it to me." Yan Ren let go of his hand and stroked the back of Qi Tang's thigh with his palm down.

Qi Tang took a step back without a trace, and went to the bathroom wearing slippers.

Yanren had so many small moves a few years ago? Why didn't he notice it at the time?

Yanren was also very troublesome during breakfast. Qi Tang knew that Yanren had overhauled art for a period of time in Xingxing, but he did not know that he had such high requirements for art.

Chen Zhiqiang instructed the bodyguards to move the cleaned plants in, and the interior was lit up with greenery.

The window sill was spotless, Chen Zhiqiang set an angle with Yanren by the window and went out. Yanren asked Qi Tang to sit at the added round table and went to the kitchen to bring breakfast.

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