Chapter 12: Tired

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The sleep state is broken by waking consciousness, like a dream disintegrating. Qi Tang opened his eyes, Yan Ren's breath was lazy and slow, immersed in his breath familiarly.

The relaxed body tensed instantly, and Qi Tang's fingers delivered a cold feeling of warmth like blood loss. After the trembling touch of the screen, time jumped into his eyes—— 2020.03.03.

He sat up suddenly, Yan Ren was awakened by his movement, "What's wrong?"

Yan Ren's voice was slightly hoarse, and the magnetism soaked in the night was especially low. He stretched out his hand lazily and rubbed Qi Tang's wrist suggestively.

The temperature of the touch and the rubbing of the fingertips were like an intimate provocation, Qi Tang immediately pulled his wrist back as if stimulated, and stood up from the bed.

From his rebirth half a year later to half a year ago, after Anshi's dinner party, he could no longer get used to the intimate contact with Yanren's non-susceptible period.

The confusion of the fifth rebirth has not dissipated from Qi Tang's senses. He confirmed that the phone was not muted, and then went directly to the bathroom to wash.

With the tactile touch on each other's wrists, Qi Tang could not explain the reason for the sudden resistance, nor could he aggressively ask Yan Ren and An Ziran when they had a relationship.

The towel wiped the water droplets off his face, and Qi Tang rested his slightly wet palm on the washstand. He looked at himself in the mirror, and had a vaguely unreal feeling.

In the mirror, both the facial features and the contours are extremely outstanding, the precious cold is frozen on the face like frost, and the three-dimensional sense that cannot pick out any flaws is distinct and dazzling.

This face has brought Qi Tang a lot of trouble, and the endless stream of suitors when he was abroad was banished to take advantage of others' danger when he was at home.

Seven years have been folded into a thin line, except for the increasingly cold and oppressive feeling of pressure and the isolation of strangers, he has hardly changed much.

Yan Ren naturally hasn't changed much. Time has made him more and more mature and eye-catching. The biggest change is only in their marriage.

Yanren pushed open the door, Qi Tang froze for a moment, and then immediately relaxed as demanding. He moved his palm away from the edge of the table, leaving only the cool mist at the bottom of his palm condensed into a blur of water.

The bathroom is not small, but after Yan Ren came in, Qi Tang felt depressed for no reason, the words to ease the scene trembled slightly on the tip of his tongue, but there was no sound from his lips.

His Alpha knew it was a mistake from the moment he promised, and they continued and let each other go for another seven years, until Yanren loved someone else.

What more can he say?

Qi Tang walked out of the door slowly, controlling the rhythm of his steps to a fairly natural level, like a cold shoulder. The sense of alienation melts into the air and is hard to find for a while.

Today is the 3rd, An's dinner party, the accident of YanRen which cause their marriage to fall, all happened today.

Today, half a year ago, Qi Tang did not participate in this An's dinner. He was stumped by the emergency meeting, and then there were all kinds of unexpected accidents.

The nightgown was taken off, and he changed his clothes quietly and quickly, intending to go downstairs before Yanren was ready.

Yan Ren came out of the bathroom, Qi Tang was picking up the watch, retreating to make his heart beat faster, his eyes and footsteps walked to the door together.

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