Chapter 24: Care

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Qi Tang locked the phone and put it back to his side as if nothing had happened.

Yan Ren seemed to have digested this matter for a while, before tilting his head closer and saying, "Do you read public opinion news?"

Actually not, at least not at this time. Qi Tang has a long time and entertainment after marriage. Completely isolated, and began to pay attention again until preparations for divorce.


Yan Ren took out his mobile phone and watched silently for a while, then whispered to Qi Tang, "I will let Chen Zhiqiang handle it when I go back. These are all fake."

" Etiquette or demeanor have no practical meaning, "You didn't know before?"

"I thought you didn't read it." Yan Ren said, "So I didn't pay attention."

There seems to be no necessary connection between the two, Qi Tang frowned slightly, Yan Ren took his hand and whispered intimately in Qi Tang's ear, "If you care - I'll deal with it tomorrow."

Qi Tang was warmed by the temperature in his ears, and looked back at Yan Yi for a while. A faint smile flashed across Yanren's lips, and he still looked abstinent and calm, as if what Qi Tang saw on his face was just an illusion.

Yan Ren refused to let go after the competition, holding Qi Tang with one hand and continuing to read with the other. He looked calm and didn't care, and An Ziran's occasional question would get his answer.

Qi Tang could only maintain a calm expression, as if they were holding hands in the cinema as usual.

An Ziye was seated with his female companion, and the stars one after another came with their friends and family members. The lights dimmed and the huge curved screen turned on, with excellent lighting effect.

Qi Tang finally breathed a sigh of relief, no longer feeling blatant.

An Ziran smiled, as if she didn't notice the hands they were holding. She asked softly, "Brother Yan, it's convenient for you to take a picture here, will you respond to my point of view later?"

"On the Internet ?"

"Well, it's okay to not show your face."

Although they spoke in a low voice, Qi Tang could still hear it clearly.

Yan Ren turned his head to look at Qi Tang, then turned back and said to An Ziran, "Okay."

What did that look mean?

An Ziye glanced at him and watched Yanren let go of the hands he had held with Qi Tang, then pushed up the armrest and sat down directly against Qi Tang.

An Ziran's stiff face couldn't be hidden behind the 3D glasses.

Qi Tang was also slightly stunned by the sudden movement of Yanren, the distance suddenly shortened, the familiar auras blended with each other, and the body temperature through the clothes clearly indicated the existence of Yanren.

None of the four looked at the giant screen at all, Yanren held Qi Tang's hand tightly again, because he held Qi Tang's left hand with his right hand, and turned his wrist slightly to find an angle to focus Qi Tang's wedding ring into the lens. middle.

"You..." Qi Tang's usual indifferent face was a little defeated by the shock. He looked at Yan Ren and took a few pictures, "Is it almost?"

"What's the hurry." Yan Ren turned to him and smiled lowly.

His eyes rubbed across Qi Tang's side face, facing An Ziye's cold gaze, Yan Ren lowered his eyes and saw that Qi Tang glanced sideways at An Ziran.

Qi Tang raised his eyes slightly, watching Yan Ren leaned down and lowered his head, the touch of the corners of his lips was like a light kiss like belonging. In the corner of the eye, An Ziran's strangely large eyes did not blink behind the glasses, and the smile dripped like a stream of water.

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