Chapter 3: Sober

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After hanging up the phone, the "pre-emptive" news of entertainment automatically popped up on the screen of the mobile phone, and the derailment photo was placed at the top as a heavyweight.

A man and a woman are folded together, without a single thing. The video is shot from the back to the front, and you can see their folded bodies lying on their stomachs.

The lighting was too bad, and it was a partial, no face, but the clear evidence was the tattoo on the man's back.

The word "Tang" on the back waist was like broken glass, burning Qi Tang's eye mask like a refraction.

The coded version has already appeared in September, but the tattoos can be seen clearly. Now this high-definition photo is even more obvious. Qi Tang decided to take a look and then quickly underlined.

"Yan Ren and Qi Tang, the marriage between the top giants, is known as the combination of 'the first in the business world', and the relationship fades to the end of the marriage..."

"Yan Qi has been married for seven years. The embarrassing marriage has appeared, and now it has shown its original appearance in the test of time..."

The comments of netizens were splendid, and eating Guala stepped on one after another.

"Yan Ren went to the eldest Miss of An's family, how do you explain this to the An family?"

"Miss? Is it because the person who said the eldest lady is not sober? At best, she is an illegitimate daughter."

"Those who think that An Ziran is not fit to be the mistress. People are sour, right? Why did Qi Tang go to 818 when he didn't know about his marriage with Yanren, and he was number one in the business world, so this is a joke about selling children 8?"

"I don't accept any refutation, it's wrong to be a mistress to destroy other people's marriages. "

"The divorce has been rumored since marriage, and I haven't had children for so many years. I can't stand it anymore, right? Eat melon passers-by, you are right."


Qi Tang's fingertips on the screen Glide lightly, under the slightly closed eyelids is the cold cold ash after precipitation.

After confirming that Yan Ren was safe and sound, the soft feeling that had arisen was directly shattered by Qi Mei's concern and inquiries and the carnival after the media exposure.

He has already seen the crowds and marketing accounts, all kinds of suspicions and old accounts - and the marriage that he has personally experienced, from beginning to end in the past seven years, and getting weaker and weaker.

He thought that the way back to marriage was plain as water, and every marriage would step into the twilight era of love.

But I didn't expect it to be betrayal that buried it all.

The marriage between him and Yanren did not justify leaving. Too many eyes stared at each other, and countless industrial cooperation involving the company may be affected.

In order to reduce the impact and to dispel the idea of ​​marriage that may arise from Yanren, Qi Tang has been preparing for divorce in private for more than three months.

If it weren't for this accident, he should still focus on the company and divorce now, not on how to save the divorced object.

There was a loud sound of "clang!" from downstairs, and Qi Tang's heart tightened, grabbing the phone and hurried out the door.

What Yanren and Chen Zhiqiang were talking about were interrupted by the iron basin.

The chills melted away, and the vague feeling of falling in the abdomen reappeared with the bouncing nerves and blood flow.

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