Chapter 11: Regret

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After getting in the car, Qi Tang motioned to Hong Tianfang not to speak, and asked him to think clearly first.

Liu Yushan was hospitalized with brain damage after the project test. Although there is no direct evidence to show the connection between the two, judging from Wu Sheng's reaction, Liu Yushan's accident may have a lot to do with the project.

If it was for revenge, why did Yanren have an accident in the end?

Qi Tang's eyes were soaked in the cold temperature, and the intertwined thoughts reached another conclusion in just a moment.

Yanren did the project optimization without telling himself, because Yanren already knew that there was a problem with the project - Wu Sheng did something to Yanren, unless Yanren knew it all along, and even Wu Sheng's affairs were suppressed by him, So it was desperate to do so?

But why did Yanren hide it from him?

Why did An Ziye's secretary meet Wu Sheng by coincidence?

Qi Tang's fingertips pushed slowly across the brow bone, frequent rebirths and inexplicable doubts seemed like unresolved pressure. The mutual non-interference between official affairs and banquets has led to a situation that is difficult to understand for a while now.

Although Hong Tianfang couldn't communicate with Qi Tang, he clutched his mobile phone and whispered to the bodyguard with a tight expression, to keep an eye on Wu Sheng, and then immediately asked someone to check what happened to Wu Sheng.

Qi Tang's phone number was dialed to Yanren.

The words "Yan Ren" were too clear and too familiar, but Qi Tang felt a strange feeling at this moment.

They have been married for seven years, but they have separated each other's lives without any boundaries.

He didn't know when Yanren learned about the problem with the product, and he didn't know that Yanren and An Ziran were not just a drinking accident. If it wasn't for rebirth, he didn't even know that the people who had been in the same bed for many years would make People feel so uncomfortable and unfamiliar.

The phone didn't connect for a long time, and then it ended.

Called again, still no response.

Qi Tang frowned faintly, the warm light from outside the window could not light up his face, Qi Tang's eyes were calm and deep, and the indescribable pressure felt like a silent edge or danger.

Yanren's private mobile phone will not be unanswered for no reason. He endured and recalled the recent events on March 10.

Their conflicts are few and far between, so any emotional outbursts are very fresh in the memory.

March 3rd was An's dinner. Yan Ren slept for a day after the accident. When he wanted to explain to Qi Tang, Qi Tang did not accept it emotionally.

This was all about half a year ago. I just learned that Yan Ren and An Ziran's anger after the night had dissipated into cold ashes, and the memory can only evoke a little bit of mocking frustration now. What's more, they are not "accidents", it may be a stimulus to push the boat.

On Qi Tang's screen, the call was disconnected again, and Hong Tianfang looked at Qi Tang's profile in fear, without daring to say a word.

Chen Zhiqiang's heart jumped when he received Qi Tang's call, and then turned his back on An Ziran who refused to leave, saying that Mr. Yan was still at work.

"Go to the Yan family." Qi Tang locked the screen, and the indifferent and indifferent color diffused into a sharp coolness from his slightly leaning back movement.

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