Chapter 17:Burns

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The moments of being caught off guard were too frequent, Qi Tang clenched the phone tightly with her fingertips and stepped out of the car.

The lawn smelled pungent after being mowed, Qi Tang frowned slightly, and answered An Ziye's call.

Yan Ren's car drove in when Qi Tang entered the door. Qi Tang handed the coat to the servant and listened to An Ziye's words with his mobile phone.

"Xingda knows that we have no interest in holding this kind of activity, so I told An Ziran."

Qi Tang's eyes dropped slightly, listening to An Ziye continue, "She said that she can bring a few people in the circle, you are interested "


"No ?"

An Ziye laughed on the other end of the phone, his voice relaxed and teasing, "Is Yanren's news exciting to you yesterday?"

Yanren's news yesterday?

"It's none of your business, Mr. An."

Yan Ren entered the door, Qi Tang looked away from him, stopped for a while, and took it back.

"Really not?"

Qi Tang paused, "It depends on the situation."

"Mr. Qi, dinner will be ready soon, do you want to wash first or wait on the sofa?" Mrs. Zhang came out of the kitchen and looked around.

"I'll wait."

Yan Ren came to Qi Tang's direction, and Qi Tang, who had never had eye contact with Yan Ren, was sitting on the sofa. He suffocated and felt the tension on the side of his neck.

But Yan Ren's footsteps stopped, "Tomorrow?"

Qi Tang looked at the time on the screen, 2019.05.22, the seventh time was half a year earlier than the previous rebirth time.

After calming down for a while, Qi Tang began to check entertainment news, only to see all kinds of news - saying that Yanren had traces of women in his foreign mansion, most of which were intercepted by foreign media.

This should be the news that Yan Shuyang often sees in U country.

The smell in the kitchen is quickly taken away by the ventilation system and does not escape into the living room. The sound of stir-frying was slightly reduced after being blocked. The servant put the porcelain plate on the table lightly, and the white mist curled up.

Qi Tang swiped and browsed for a while, then directly locked the screen.

"Well, I see." Yan Ren said to the phone.

It is very likely that he is talking to An Ziran.

Qi Tang's eyelids narrowed slightly. After all, An Ziye didn't talk to Yanren easily except for official business, and An Ziran should be Yanren's ubiquitous little lover.

Half a year ago, the Alumni Association of Xingda University was run by An's, and it was under the name of An Ziye. In fact, An Ziran should be in charge.

Qi Tang got married as soon as he graduated, and since then he will not participate in the activities of Xingda University unless it is necessary.

Yan Ren hung up the phone and walked behind Qi Tang, Qi Tang's jaw lifted slightly, but his cold eyes still looked straight ahead.

Yan Ren could answer An Ziran's phone as if nothing had happened, as if there was no problem between them.

The curved reflection of the TV is slightly blurred, and Yan Ren's tall figure is reflected in it. Qi Tang's sitting posture looks rather cold, with a sense of estrangement mixed in between, as if flickering.

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