Chapter 48:Restart

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The silk quilt in summer is soft and cool, and it feels almost illusory when touched. Qi Tang sat on the bed, sleepy like melting ice, his eyes wandered around the bedroom, and stopped on the suitcase at the foot of the bed.

This is his room in Qi's house, and the suitcase in the corner has not been opened.

The sour fatigue seemed to make the joints especially procrastinated. Qi Tang shook his fingers and realized that he was in the susceptible period of injecting inhibitors.

"Mom!" Qi Mei shouted from outside the door.

Can vaguely hear what Ouyang Yan said, Qi Mei replied in a low voice, "I know." Then she went down the stairs from the side.

The phone was charging at the bedside, Qi Tang took it to check the time, 2012.08.23.

At this time, he had just returned from Mustan University, and was transferring to Xingda University in the second year of research, and he accepted Qi Yunchang's idea that he wanted him to learn some contacts without any resistance.

——This time, when you are really reborn to the point where you don't even know Yanren, what will happen next time? Go directly to a university abroad?

Qi Tang got out of bed, went out and stood in the corridor looking down.

This kind of feeling is neither used nor novel. The light in the early morning is not dazzling. The golden light in the window lattice is like warm water.

Ouyang Yan went in and out of the door, Qi Mei leaned against the door, swayed her feet in slippers, very leisurely.

"When you wake up, hurry up and have breakfast. Your dad and I are busy and don't have time to wait for you." Ouyang Yan waved her away, looked up casually, and saw Qi Tang standing by the railing, looking down, "Why do you get up? So early? Xiaomei woke you up?"

Qi Mei covered her mouth with a look of embarrassment, "I'm not used to my brother coming back suddenly—"

"No." Qi Tang calmly said, "I woke up by myself, what are you doing? ?"

"Several star city leaders are going to gather at night. Your dad also invited a few out-of-town partners to arrange it for a few days. I wanted you to pick up the wind and wash the dust together. If you're not feeling well, take a rest first." Ouyang Yan finished. Then he turned his head and explained a few words to the people outside the door, "Isn't it better?"


After washing Qi Tang came out of the bedroom, Qi Mei was waiting at the door, and Xiao Mei wanted to accompany him to dinner - "Brother, Do you know about Yan Ren?"

Qi Tang's footsteps stagnating down the stairs, but he continued to walk down as if nothing had happened, "Why did you mention him suddenly?"

"You know what?" Qi Mei followed him, and recited excitedly, "Mom told me the other day that Yan's Yan Ren is really a talented person, and he is the kind of person who is worthy of marrying our Xiaotang. I just don't know what your brother is thinking now. Let me come back and spy on you."

Qi Tang with his smiling eyes touched Qi Mei's long hair. Her hair was of good quality, like flax-colored soft flocs, with warm light woven into it, forming a golden haze.( weird description but Ok, I guess)

"Are you spying?"

"There is no secret between us." Qi Mei sat down at the dining table with a smile.



Qi Tang nodded and took a slow sip of the rich black tea, "Can you drive?"

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