Chapter 42: Allergic

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The phone is ringing.

Qi Tang turned over to pick up the phone, only to feel the heat radiating from the inside out, the sore, sluggish tiredness invading the cells, which became more and more obvious with the movement of raising his hand.

It was Ouyang Yan who called, and Qi Tang picked it up, "Mom?" As soon as the words came out, he suddenly woke up from the drowsy feeling, and his voice was hoarse and murmured with a clear nasal voice.

"Tang Tang?" Ouyang Yan was taken aback, "What's the matter? Why is your voice like this? Where is Xiao Yan? "

He took off his phone and looked at the time. It was now 2014.07.25, the fourteenth time of his rebirth, at the time of his susceptible period.

But this was neither like the chaotic feeling in the susceptible period, nor did it have the slightest interest that the susceptible period should have, Qi Tang sat up slowly, endured dizziness and leaned on the bed.

The sound of pushing the door caught Qi Tang's attention, and he pulled the quilt up again to completely wrap himself in the quilt.

Yan Ren came in with a small medicine bottle, and was a little surprised to see Qi Tang getting up.

"What's going on? Why didn't you speak?" Ouyang Yan said anxiously, "Are you confused?"

Before Qi Tang could speak, she heard the voice of Yanren's mother, Gu Ning, "Let's go directly to Xiaotang..."

"Okay, then Gu Ning and I will go right now--" Qi Tang put the phone in Yan Ren, Yan Ren was stunned before picking it up, "Hello, Mom?"

He handed the vitamin to Qi Tang and compared "Two", and then grabbed the phone to pour water for Qi Tang, and said while busy, "Qi Tang is a little allergic to inhibitors, no, the doctor told me that his physique will change a little after marriage. Well, it's not a problem with the inhibitors. ."

Qi Tang took the water cup and took a sip of warm water slowly, not having much impression of the current situation at all.

"It's okay, Mom, you play first, the doctor will be here soon - I'm not busy, I won't go to the company today." Yan Ren looked down at Qi Tang, as if he was worried that he would be refuted by Qi Tang, "Okay, then we It's okay to wait for you all."

After hanging up the phone, Qi Tang looked at Yanren and asked uncertainly, "Am I allergic to inhibitors?"

He seems to be allergic to inhibitors, but he basically doesn't need them. After a long time, the number of times he has used the inhibitor in the six or seven years of marriage is very small, so he has no impression of this symptom.

"The doctor said it might be." Yan Ren looked at Qi Tang with an expressionless face that was quite serious. His worry and depression were hidden, and he could only see the slightest hint, "Why did you wake up? Was awakened by a phone call?"

Qi Tang made a "hmm" sound.

"I'll take the temperature." Yan Ren was sitting on the edge of the bed, looking a little restrained, Qi Tang nodded slightly puzzled, and Yan Ren reached out and touched Qi Tang's forehead.

"It's still a bit hot." He looked down at the time, "Wait for the doctor to come and see."

Qi Tang is not familiar with Yanren at this time. Yanren, who has just been married for more than a year, seems to be careful about everything. Physical contact seems to have endured for fear of Qi Tang's rejection.

The doctor and Ouyang Yan arrived one after the other, the doctor consulted Qi Tang, Yan Ren went to the door to open the door for them, Ouyang Yan changed his slippers and hurriedly walked into the bedroom, "Why are you still taking the inhibitor, Xiao Yan didn't come here? Yet?"

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