Chapter 10: Gone

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Qi Tang rubbed his brows, his tired and cold mood was slightly relieved by his knuckles, and the light that penetrated his eyelids suddenly became brighter.

He opened his eyes subconsciously, only to find that the scene changed quickly in just a moment, without any warning, not even a process of waking up after falling asleep- because Hong Tianfang was sitting beside him, and they sat together in the back row.

"Mr. Qi, are you listening?" Hong Tianfang showed a bitter expression, looking at Qi Tang and seemed a little suspicious.

Qi Tang glanced at him, then pulled out the phone neatly to confirm the situation at this unimpressive time point.

The touch light of the screen lights up, 2020.03.10.

——The fourth rebirth was half a year ago?

The speculation about the laws of reversing time was directly overturned, and the sunlight woven into the window reflected in the pupils. The pause he stared at the screen seemed to be too long, so long that Qi Tang could hear his breathing clearly in a moment of silence.

"Mr. Qi?"

".....What date is today?"

Hong Tianfang pushed his glasses and said seriously, "No. 10."


"Yes, what's wrong?"

For a moment he was completely out of control, he clenched the palm of his hand by the uncontrollable coldness.

For a long time, his life has been very orderly, and it happened as planned, but now, repeatedly reversing time and space has made it impossible for him to keep calm all the time.

Why half a year? what is the reason?

".....What were you talking about just now?" Qi Tang turned her face slightly, and Hong Tianfang saw his long and narrow eyes from the side of the car window, and the deep and cold eyes in his eyes.

Hong Tian was stunned by the boss who was in a wrong state, and said, "The lawyers all suggest that you consider divorce as a long-term arrangement. If you are too anxious, it may attract the attention of President Yan early... And try not to get divorced as much as possible. The influence is too great, and negotiating a formal marriage will be more--"

The words ended in Qi Tang's gesture, but he quickly withdrew his hand.

The drooping fingertips trembled slightly, like a tiny electric arc trembling in a hard-to-see place.

The memory was awakened by language, and on March 10, 2020, one week after Yanren's accident after drinking, he has already begun to draft many matters for divorce.

An Ziran's soft smile flashed in front of his eyes. He once thought the rift was an accident at the beginning, but just now - in the program he watched back, he knew that it was only in the middle of cheating. Moments that suddenly feel obscure.

Trapped in derailment and divorce against the current rebirth, even if he tried to get used to it, he was still dismantled and traced the scars in detail.

Qi Tang Wulan's eyes lingered for a moment, then turned to Hong Tianfang, and his emotions returned to calm in neglect.

"The divorce is arranged in advance by the lawyer. You go to check on one person, An's employee, who has resigned. His name is Wu Sheng."

"Kou Tian Wu, Sheng Sheng?" Hong Tianfang confirmed. ( I don't understand it as well)


The car drove into the company, and the bodyguard opened the door for Qi Tang. The scene in the company rejoiced, and Ran Ran's anger had been going on for more than a week.

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