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Character: Issei Matsukawa
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: No fair

(M/n pov)

I lightly knocked on the gym door before I opened it. With a light blush on my cheeks, I looked around the gym until my eyes landed on my boyfriend. I shuffled through the gym as quickly as possible a bento box wrapped in a purple furoshiki. Since his back was turned towards me I lightly tapped his shoulder to catch his attention. He turned around from talking to Hanamaki. Once he saw that it was me he gave me a slight smile before taking me to a more private corner of the gym. "Hey baby, did you get here safely? No one or anything gave you trouble, right?" I gave him a slight smile, "The trip here was okay. Nothing happened on my way here." He nodded his head and looked down at my hands, "Is that what you wanted to bring me, baby?" I pushed the bento box against his chest and looked down at the ground as the blush from before returned to my cheeks this time a little brighter.

He chuckled lightly and grabbed it with one hand before ruffling my hair with his other one. "Do you want to sit on one of the benches and wait for me? We can go to the park after and have a little picnic. You made me a lot of food." I looked back up at him and quickly nodded my head. He chuckled again and grabbed my hand before walking me over to one of the many benches and sitting me down. He placed a small kiss on my temple making me blush even harder. He placed the bento box beside me before he waved to me and went back towards his teammates in order to resume the stretching exercises. I watched for about twenty minutes until I felt my phone vibrate. I pulled it out and saw that it was a message from my older brother. Completely unaware of my surroundings in through the gym door walked Oikawa and Iwaizumi.

I was so distracted by my phone that I didn't hear the footsteps that were coming towards me. It was only when I saw a pair of shoes above my phone that I realized that someone was in front of me. I frowned in confusion before I looked up and made eye contact with the volleyball team captain. He gasped loudly before he grabbed my hand, "Well aren't you the prettiest little flower. Are you here waiting for me little cutie? That's a cute bento box you got there. I certainly hope that it's for me considering that you're the most adorable person I've ever had the chance of meeting." A blush settled itself on my face and neck. And I knew it was bad because I could feel the heat coming off my body from pure embarrassment. I tried to reply but only sounds of confusion and embarrassment left my mouth.

By the end of I could feel myself short-circuit. Before Oikawa or I had any chance to say or do anything a volleyball hit him on the side of his head causing him to fall to the ground. Soon I felt arms wrap around my shoulders and I was pulled into someone's stomach area, that person being my boyfriend. He lightly glared at Oikawa who was staring between us before he spoke up, "Stay away from my boyfriend, Oikawa. The bento box isn't for you it's for me. Don't let me catch trying to flirt with him again because I won't hesitate to get Iwaizumi to come hit you. Oikawa pouted and crossed his arms over his chest, "No fair. How come you got such a cutie for a boyfriend?" Matsukawa shrugged a bit, "I ask myself that every day. I mean look at him he's perfect and I love him with all of my heart." I smiled up at him my blush still as bright, "I-I love you too, Issei."


I watched the rest of practice with a light smile on my face. Matsukawa kept his promise and right after his practice and after he changed we headed to the park and happily ate the bento together while watching the sunset.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I can't wait to see all the different ways I can bring your ideas to life through my stories. I love you my sweet potatoes.

Next up:
Hinata Shoyo (Vampire AU)

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