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Character: Daichi Sawamura
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: Whaat?!
*Soulmate AU*

(Daichi pov)

"Hey Daichi, we have something we want to ask you." I looked up from the papers I was looking at and saw the entire team staring at me including, coach and Kiyoko. I raised an eyebrow in confusion before I spoke up, "What do you want to know Suga?" He smirked a bit before he began questioning me, "Have you found your soulmate? If yes, what do they look like? If no, what does your soulmate mark look like?" I deadpanned at the number of questions before sighing, "No I have not found my soulmate yet but from what I can tell our soulmate marks are a mix of the two things we love the most. In my case, it's a volleyball while theirs is a gaming console." Everyone seemed surprised but Hinata looked deep in thought. Before I could ask Hinata what was wrong coach told us to get back to practice.

It was a couple of days after the conversation and I could tell that Hinata still has something on his mind. I walked over the coach Ukai and before I could speak up coach spoke up, "Nekoma is coming in like ten minutes for a spontaneous practice match,  You might want to get your team in check. Kageyama and Hinata look like they're about to fight." I groaned loudly and walked over to the first tears and smacked the back of their heads. Since that caught the attention of the rest of the team I spoke up, "We have a practice match with Nekoma in a few minutes go get ready." They all quickly got ready since they saw I was extremely irritated by the fact that I was going to see Kuroo. That rooster head knows exactly how to get on my nerves. Once we were all dressed appropriately we began stretching because we all knew this match was going to run long no matter what.

Soon Kiyoko walked through the door with the Nekoma coach following behind. It wasn't long till the team walked in but I could feel hope build in my chest when I didn't see Kuroo. Unfortunately, I got my hopes crushed when Kuroo walked through the door Kenma in one shoulder and what could be the twin brother of Kenma except with (f/c) tips on his other shoulder. He set them down next to each other and they continued to play video games. As I stood up to greet Kuroo I could see a cocky smile on his face. He shook hands and he spoke up, "As you can tell we got a new member, his name is (M/n) Kozume. He's just as good of a setter as Kenma but he's also amazing at something else." I rolled my eyes at him and coach yelled about starting then.

As the match went on (M/n) didn't play it wasn't until Kenma looked like he was going to collapse that he came into the game. When he and I made eye contact I swear I saw him grin like a feral cat. Before our team even knew what was happening or what happened Nekoma won the last set and the match. Our team stood confused while the Nekoma team cheered. Suddenly, (M/n) walked towards me and grabbed my wrist before smiling softly and showing me his. I almost fell to the ground when I realized we were soulmates. He smiled, "It's nice to meet you..." I paused before I whispered, "Daichi. Daichi Sawamura." He smiled, "Daichi." I could feel my heart skip a beat with the way he said my name but I chose to ignore it until he pulled me down and pecked my cheek, "I'll see you sometime soon, Daichi." He handed me a piece of paper while behind me I could hear my team yell, "Whaaat?!"

And that's the story of how I met my crazy, flirtatious game-addicted soulmate.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

Next up:
Akaashi Keiji x Osamu Miya

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