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Character: Tsukishima Kei
Type: Slight angst💔, Fluff ☁️
Story Name: Why are you like this?
*Songfic AU*

(M/n pov)

I walked through the hallways of the school my head held high. About a month and a half ago I found out that my ex-boyfriend had been cheating on me with some other guy. Honestly, I knew something was going on so I began to investigate along with my childhood friends Yamaguchi and Tsukishima. It didn't take long for us to find all of the evidence we needed to expose his ass. And expose his ass I did. Now people see me as an asshole for ruining his reputation but honestly could not find the fucks to give. I finally arrived at my friends' classroom. I slide open the door and saw them chatting quietly. I saw a small blush on Tsukishima's face and a smirk on Yamaguchi which left me curious as to what they were talking about. I walked up to them before I spoke up, "What are you guys talking about?"

Yamaguchi got this mischievous look in his eyes and just as he was about to speak up Tsukishima covered his mouth and spoke up instead, "We found out the upcoming talent show that the school is having your ex is participating in it to try and win the favor of the school once again. So Yamaguchi." He gave Yamaguchi a pointed look, "We were thinking that you might want to participate you know so you can put him in his place. Plus the mandatory show-up wouldn't be as annoying if we knew you were participating." I raised an eyebrow at him and the way he was acting before registering what he said. My face pulled into a big grin, "You know Tsukki that's a great idea. Might as well show the school where I stand and that their little comments that they're too afraid to say to my face don't bother me." After I sighed up for the talent show I spent most of my time at Tsukki's house practicing since I lived in an apartment building where the neighbor complained of minor things.

*time skip to the night of the talent show *

As I finished getting ready Tsukishima came toward me. "You look nice," he said as he coughed into his hand hoping to hide the small blush on his cheeks. I ignore it opting to smile up at him before speaking up, "Thanks Tsukki. You think I'll do good?" He rolled his eyes, "If all the practicing you did doesn't get you first place. I'm making my team shout that the contest is rigged." I chuckled before I stood up, "You should head back before they think you're performing too." He rolled his eyes and I laughed. Just as he was about to walk away I grabbed his wrist then I grabbed his collar and pulled him down to my height before I kissed his cheek. I let go of him while smiling softly, "Thank you for everything, Tsukki." He blushed bright red as he nodded his head and ran off. Once my ex left the stage I just rolled my eyes as we made eye contact before I began my walk to the stage.

I set myself up before I smiled at the crowd as my eyes scanned it. My smile brightened at the sight of Tsukishima before I heard the music begin to play. As I sang my brain was founded by the memories of the days I spent practicing at Tsukishima's place and how cute he is. I love his sarcastic nature, his love for dinosaurs, and how even though he'll complain about things at the end of the day he'll do anything to help his friends. Once I finished the song I bowed to the crowd and my way outside for some fresh air. I could honestly care less who won the only thing in my mind was Tsukishima. And almost as if he knew he came out after everyone finished performing to look for me. With a light blush on his cheeks, he spoke up, "Why did you kiss me on the cheek? Do you um happen to like me too?" I looked up at him before smiling softly, "You'd think I would kiss anybody else Kei. You're adorable as hell and no matter how sarcastic you are. In my eyes, you're just the cutest. Now from how to phrase that question I know you like me too. But to put it into words I do like you back." He smiled slightly while playing with his fingers. "Wanna be my boyfriend?" I asked startling him. He blushed brighter, "Why are you like this? But yeah I guess being boyfriend wouldn't be the worse thing in the world." I chuckled and pulled him down to my height to kiss him, "You're so cute."

And that's how Tsukishima and I got into a relationship and to think all it took was my ex being a complete asshole.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I'm back full time so that means more stories. I love you my sweet potatoes

Question of the day:
Should I finish this book early and start another book?

Follow up question:
If I were to start another anime x male reader book, what anime would you guys be interested in?

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