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Character: Iwaizumi Hajime
Type: Fluff ☁️
Story Name: Why me?
*Fantasy AU*

(M/n pov)

I looked up at the moon with a slight smile before I threw the blankets off my body and grabbed a warm coat. I quickly threw it on before putting on my slippers and running through the castle. I let out a soft breath of air to calm myself down before I opened one of the many balcony doors. What was special about this one was that it allowed me to look into the knights fighting quarters unannounced. I step onto the balcony before looking down at the training arena and smiling when I saw Iwaizumi Hajime. He's one of our most trusted knights and I've been in love with him since the moment I could differentiate love between family and love between partners. We grew up together and as a prince, after the age of twelve, I began my lessons in becoming the best king for my kingdom. While Iwaizumi started training to become the best knight. Now at the age of nineteen, he and I barely speak. We barely even see each other and I miss him so much. And it's to the point when every Thursday night I sneak out of my room to see him train.

Though there is no doubt in my mind that if he saw I was standing out in the cold with just my sleeping clothes, a coat, and slippers he'd hit me in my head and tell me I was stupid. I let out a soft sigh as I continued to look down at him. I was so distracted that I didn't hear the footsteps that were coming near me. I almost screamed out loud when I felt a hand on my shoulder but stayed quiet when the person spoke, "Calm down, son." I let out a breath of relief before looking over at my mom, "Is this where you go every Thursday night?" I blushed slightly and nodded my head with a pout. She chuckled, "You know I was the same way with your dad." Her smiling expression faded away slightly, "I don't think you're father will change his mind about having all of the princes from different kingdom show up here tomorrow so that you can find a partner, (M/n). Just know you have every right to stand up for what you want. Even if it means fighting your dad." She placed a kiss on my temple before leaving after saying goodnight. I spent the rest of the night thinking before I ended up falling asleep.

*Next day*

I sat on the throne in between my parents with a straight face as the princes and their parents stood in front of me. I let my eyes wander around through every prince until my eyes landed on the far corner of the room. There stood Iwaizumi his face had a mix of sadness, anger, and clear exhaustion. One by one the princes were introduced by their parents. And with every passing second, I could feel my anger rising since so many of the princes were looking me up and down as if I was something or someone to be won. After they were introduced and I got to know a couple of things about them I stood up along with my parents. I cleared my throat before I spoke up, "I don't want any of you. Most of you think I'm some prize to be one won. As for the rest of you, it's clear you guys already have lovers and could be careless about being here."

I took another deep breath before walking towards Iwaizumi. I grabbed his hand before I took another deep breath, "If I asked you to be my partner, what would your answer be?" His eyes widened, "Why me?" I smiled slightly, "Well maybe because it's always been you who's been here for me and at the same time made me fall in love with you with everything you do. So will you have me?" He chuckled with a smirk on his face, "To think I was getting ready to fight against any of these princes for your hand in marriage but you just had to beat me to it." I smiled brightly before I turned back towards my dad, "Well you heard it, dad. I'm marrying Iwaizumi." I pulled Iwaizumi down and pecked his lips before I pulled away with a smile. He smiled and placed his hand on my hips, "I can't wait to spend forever with you." I pecked his lips again, "Me too."

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

Next up:
Oikawa Tooru (Fantasy AU)

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