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Character: Nishinoya Yu
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: You're so cute pumpkin
*Age Regression*

(M/n pov)

I yawned as I unlocked the front door of my shared house with Yu. As I walked in and closed the door I took notice of how quiet the house was. I took off my shoes and coat before making my way through the house looking through every room trying to find Yu. It wasn't long till I found him in his playroom. He was clearly busy since he hadn't heard me walk come in. He was in his favorite onesie and had his favorite stuffed animal by his side. Whatever he was drawing had him concentrated to the point where you could see his tongue poking out as he gripped the crayon trying not to break them as he'd done to the previous ones. I quickly left to make him some food before he took notice of me. Making sure to stay quiet I finished making his favorite meal before I headed back to his playroom. I softly knocked on the door before waiting for him to look up.

Once he saw me his eyes widened and the childlike spark shines in his eyes seemed brighter than ever. I smiled softly before putting his plate of food on the table. He quickly took the paper off the table and hid it behind his back which caused me to raise an eyebrow in confusion since he usually gets excited to show me what he crafted. I didn't say anything and waited for him to be ready to show me the picture. As I sat down I began asking him about his day while we ate. He answered happily giving me an explanation of his day down to the smallest details which only made me smile fondly at him. "Papa chu know how much I misses you?" I shook my head and waited for him to tell me. He stood up and stretched out his arms before speaking, "I misses chu this much papa." I smiled, "Oh really pumpkin. Well, papa missed you even more."

He shook his head, "There no way papa. I misses you the mostes." I chuckled and hummed, "Okay pumpkin. We both missed each other a lot." He nodded his head in confirmation before he sat down again. We continued to talk about random things before he gasped in the middle of the conversation which genuinely caught me off guard for a second. He quickly began running around his playroom collecting a bunch of papers before he walked over to me and sat right next to me practically sticking himself to me like gum. I raised an eyebrow silently questioning him. He smiled up at me before he grabbed my hand and gave me papers.

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I grinned at the pictures before placing a soft kiss on his forehead

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I grinned at the pictures before placing a soft kiss on his forehead. "These are beautiful, pumpkin. I really like the use of all the colors." He grinned before pointing at the picture of us, "Papa and I look so cool." I hummed and ruffled his hair, "We really do pumpkin." He squeezed my arm and I tickled him softly causing him to squeal loudly and giggle. I chuckled before hugging him, "You're so cute pumpkin. Papa loves so much." He grins, "I wuv chu too papa. Chu is the best."

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I tried to make it extra cute. I love you my sweet potatoes.

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