Yaku x Kuroo

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Character: Yaku Morisuke x Kuroo Tetsurou
Type: Fluff ☁️
Story Name: They're your soulmates
*Soulmate AU*

(Third pov)

The rest of the team watched with worried faces as both Yaku and Kuroo seemed to be daydreaming. They were both distracted during practice seemingly daydreaming the entire day and completely distracted by something that the other members of the team couldn't see or hear. "What do you think is up with them?" Asked Yamamoto. The team mostly shrugged before Lev spoke up, "Maybe their soulmates are communicating with them." Everyone looked at Lev before Yamamoto spoke up, "But isn't it odd that they space out at the same time every time. Plus aren't soulmates only able to communicate through what passion is. For example, Kuroo's passion is volleyball so his soulmate would have the same bruises appear on their skin as Kuroo gets them. Same with Yaku. So the real question is what is the communication between them and their soulmate that causes the both of them to space put at the same time as each other."

It wasn't long till Kuroo and Yaku snapped out of their daydreams. And almost immediately Yamamoto spoke up, "What's going on with you two? You guys are daydreaming at the same time. What's got you guys like that?" Almost at the same time Yaku and Kuroo replied with "Our soulmate." Everything and everyone froze, "Wait so it really was your soulmates." Kuroo shook his head, "Soulmate not soulmates. Yaku and I have found that we share a soulmate. And they have the literal voice of an angel which is why Yaku and I tend to space out a lot nowadays. We want to make sure we hear everything." Everyone froze once again but Lev stepped up, "Um senpai's is your soulmate constantly singing the same song every night? Like does it sound like a lullaby to fall asleep to?"

Kuroo and Yaku froze before looking over at Lev and Yaku spoke up, "How do you know about the lullaby? There's no way your also soulmates with us and our soulmate." Lev shook his head before he pulled out his phone and pressed play on a voice message. Everything was quiet within the gym as a male's voice filled the silence. Yaku and Kuroo immediately recognized the voice and they couldn't help but be pulled into a trance. Once the voice message ended the person could be heard saying, "Hope you sleep well, Lev-san." Yaku was the first to speak up his voice soft but unsure, "Who is that, Lev? He's the same voice Kuroo and I hear." Lev's eyes widen in surprise before he texts someone and speaks up, "That's my older brother. He's your soulmate. I always wondered why he always had bruises on him. Anyway, he's on his way here. He should be here in about five. I told him I got hurt so maybe less."

As everyone began speaking to Lev about his brother. Yaku and Kuroo were next to each other holding hands excitement and nervousness running through their veins. After what felt like forever for the two the gym door burst open and a really short guy with grey hair ran through the door. He ran towards Lev and began to check him over. "Lev are you okay?" Lev looked down at the guy with a sorry look on his face, "I'm okay, (M/n)-san. But don't be mad please. I think I found your soulmates." (M/n) tilted his head in confusion as Lev pointed over at Yaku and Kuroo, "They're your soulmates. The tall one is Kuroo Tetsurou while the other is Yaku Morisuke." All three of them stared at each other before (M/n) spoke up, "It's lovely to meet the two of you. I'm (M/n) Haiba." (M/n) was pulled into a double hug by them but he gladly accepted the hug.


And that's how (M/n), Kuroo, and Yaku found each other. They couldn't be happier. But maybe a week or two into them getting to know each other Yaku and Kuroo got their asses handed to them by the shorter because of the amount of bruises he got throughout his life.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

Next up:
Kuroo Tetsurou x Bokuto Kotaro

Haikyuu x M!Reader Pt.2Where stories live. Discover now