Iwaizumi x Oikawa

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Character: Iwaizumi Hajime x Oikawa Tooru
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: You guys get hurt a lot
*Soulmate AU: Sharing injuries/Tattoos*

(M/n pov)

I frowned lightly when the feeling of pain registered in my knee. Even though it didn't hurt the phantom feeling makes me uncomfortable. With a sigh, I stretched before continuing to sketch on the 6x6 canvas. It was quiet in my small studio except for the soft classical music playing in the background. As I hum along to the song and finished up my sketch I heard my phone begin to ring. I frowned and tried to ignore it but after the second time the person called I stood up with a huff and snatched my phone up before answering the call. "Hello?" I said as I rose an eyebrow. "Jeez I know it isn't that hard to answer the phone, (M/n)." I froze for a second, "Kentaro? Why the hell are you calling me for? You rarely call me." He huffed, "I know but I'm in Tokyo for a training camp, and my team and I have some free time tomorrow and I accidentally mentioned I had a cousin here and now they wanna meet you." I huffed before smiling softly, "Alright you idiot. Send me the location and I'll see you there." We said our goodbyes before hanging up.

*Time skip brought to you by my need for sleep*

*Time skip brought to you by my need for sleep*

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I huffed as my phone alarm rang. I quickly showered and quickly changed before I headed out the door making sure that I didn't forget my wallet, keys, and my phone. I quickly got in my car and headed towards the meet-up spot. Once I arrived at the Ashikaga flower park I quickly parked my car and followed the detailed directions that Kentaro sent me after buying my ticket. It wasn't long till I saw a group of tall ass guys standing together near one of the food courts. I looked around till the sight of my cousin's bee-looking head caught my eyes. I quickly made my way through the crowd until I was close enough to jump up and Koala bear-style stick myself to my cousin's back. "Kentaro why the hell would you dye your hair that color? You look like a fucking bee." He huffed before gently elbowing my ribs forcing me to get down.

I got down before smiling up at him, "You know for being older you sure are immature." I giggled softly before reaching up and patting my head, "Keep talking like that, and I might just drop-kick your ass." His eyes widened before he cleared his throat, "Sorry, sometimes I forget you know how to fight." I hummed and turned back to his team to see them with their jaws dropped. "Hello everyone, I'm Kyotani (M/n)." They smiled before they began to introduce themselves. It isn't long till the last two guys came forward and I couldn't help notice that one of them has a knee brace on the same knee that I felt the phantom pain. I look back up at them before smiling softly. They looked a bit awkward before the one with short spikey hair spoke up, "Sorry if this is weird but could we possibly see the little tattoo on your wrist." I raised an eyebrow in confusion but showed them my wrist. Their eyes widened before they showed off their wrist showing off the same tattoo I had.  "Woah guess we're soulmates," I said softly.

They smiled at me as the team walked off to give us some privacy. "I'm Oikawa Tooru and this is Iwaizumi Hajime." He said while smiling softly at me. "You guys get hurt a lot. But now it makes sense since I found you guys play volleyball." They hummed before Iwaizumi spoke up, "Well your wrist seems to hurt 24/7." I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest, "Well that's what I get for going to school for art." They looked both surprised and intrigued. I giggled softly, "Let's exchange numbers I wanna be able to get to know my handsome soulmates." They blushed but quickly agreed.

'To think it took mg cousin opening his big old mouth for me to find my soulmates.'

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes❤️

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