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Character: Goshiki Tsutomu
Type: Light angst💔, Fluff☁️
Story Name: So cute!!
*Omegaverse, Mpreg*

(M/n pov)

I looked down at my phone when it lit up signaling that I had just received a notification. Putting down my pencil I picked up my phone and saw a message from Goshiki. With a raised concern I opened the message only to see that he texted me that he need me to come over as soon as possible. Since Goshiki doesn't invite me over often I took this as an emergency and quickly packed some stuff before I ran over to the other side of campus where the first years we were staying at. I'm a second year which meant it took me a while to finally arrive at his dorm. Taking a couple of deep breaths I knock at his door only for it to be immediately opened and my arm to be grabbed and pulled inside the room. I stood in the middle of the darkish room waiting for Goshiki to do or say something but instead all I heard were sniffles and a clear bag was chucked my way.

As it fell to the ground my eyes followed it and widened at the realization of what it was. I bent down and picked it up and saw that it was a positive pregnancy test. "Tomu, are you carrying our pups?" He froze while I began to slowly move towards the omega. That's when the smell hit me one full of embarrassment, frustrations, and fear. I gently grabbed his shoulder and turned him towards me, "Tomu please answer me. Are you carrying my pups?" He nods slowly but before I could even begin cheering and peppering his face with kisses he spoke up, "I don't want the pup. It's embarrassing that I got pregnant in high school, (M/n). What will the team think about me?" I froze and stared at Goshiki trying to find some sort of sign that what he said was a complete lie. I furrowed my eyebrows before speaking up, "Well Goshiki, I didn't know you felt that way. It's your body your choice whether you keep it or not but just know that no matter what I'll be there to support you but um right now I think we need time from each other. I'm sorry to leave you like this but what you just said was rather hurtful and I would rather not say anything that would influence your decision." With that, I placed a single kiss on his forehead before leaving back to my dorm.

(Goshiki pov)

It's been a week since my conversation with (M/n). I've stayed in my room for the time being but every morning, afternoon, and night there's a knock at my door. Every time I've opened it there's been food, snacks, and scented clothing from (M/n) left at my door but he's never there. He always manages to run off before I can catch him. As I lay in bed I heard a knock at the door. Thinking it was (M/n) I quickly stood up and opened the door but to my surprise, it was my senpai's. I bowed at them before fully opening the door and letting Tendou and Ushijima in. They sat down on the couch that I had gotten for my room before Tendou spoke up, "Is everything okay? You haven't been coming to practice and when I asked around you haven't been going to school. I went to ask your alpha but he looked like he's gone through hell and back so I opted out from that and came to ask you instead.

I froze before I sat down on my bed and looked down at my hands. I breathed in to calm my nerves before I spoke up, "I'm pregnant senpai and honestly I don't know what to do. I said some mean things to (M/n) the other night but he said he'll support whatever decision I make. He's been taking care of me making sure I eat healthy food and have scented clothing but I haven't seen him in over a week. I'm just nervous about being pregnant and I don't know whether or not I'll be okay." They stared at me before Tendou spoke up, "Not a lot of people know this but Ushi and I have a kid together. He's three years old and honestly, he's the best thing that happened to us. You are different from us but if you have a partner who loves you unconditionally there's nothing to be afraid of. (M/n) loves you a lot. He'll continue loving you so have a little more faith in yourself." Before I could say anything they got up and left leaving me to think about what they said.

I quickly changed and headed to (M/n)'s dorm. I knocked at his door and it wasn't long till he opened the door and stared at me with wide eyes. I could see his deep eye bags and a look of exhaustion on his face. I quickly made my way in before I spoke up, "I'm sorry (M/n). I do want the baby. I was just so scared that I might have to do it alone even though I knew deep in my heart that you'll never do that to me. And for that, I'm sorry (M/n). I love you so much. Thank you for taking care of me this last week. He smiled softly, "So cute!! You're so stinking cute, Tomu. I was never mad at you or anything. I knew it was a lot to take in. And I will love you forever no matter what, my omega." I smiled softly and he leaned down and pecked my lips. 'Yeah, we got this. We'll do it together.' I thought with a small smile.

Hopefully, you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

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