Ushijima x Tendou

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Character: Ushijima Wakatoshi x Tendou Satori
Type: Lil angst 💔, Fluff☁️
Story Name: You guys are the best
*Vampire AU*

(M/n pov)

I watched from the sidelines as Ushijima and Tendou played against a random team. Suddenly, they both knocked into each other causing Tendou to fall back and hit his arm. Once everyone made sure he was okay to keep playing the game was back on. And before anyone else knew it the team had once again. I quickly headed outside to meet up with my boyfriends. Ushijima was the first one out and he gave me a big and warm hug. I giggled up at him before he leaned down and placed a kiss on my lips. Soon enough Tendou came but my nose scrunched when the smell of Tendou's blood hit my nose. I could feel my fangs begin to pinch my bottom lip along with my eyes turning a bright red color. I could hear two gasps from my boyfriends. My eyes widened as I covered my nose before I backed away from them, "I um I'm sorry. I have to go." With that, I ran off before they could even say anything to me.

(Tendou pov)

I looked at the place where (M/n) once stood with wide eyes. I grabbed Ushijima's hand before I looked at him, "We both saw that right?" He hummed before sighing, "We should go see if he's okay." We grabbed our stuff before we began the walk towards (M/n) house. The walk was silent since both Ushijima and I have a lot on our minds. Once we arrived at (M/n)'s house I took out the spare key that he had given me in case of emergencies. I unlocked the door and we heard sobbing coming from his room. We approached his room hand in hand before Ushijima softly knocked on the door. We heard the crying stop along with any other sounds. I took the initiative and opened the door to see the teary eyes (M/n) looking back at us. We quickly ran forward and pulled him into a double hug. He tried to move away from us but we wouldn't let go of him. "Please let me go you see the monster I truly am. Please just run away."

Ushijima grabbed (M/n) chin to make him look up at him. Once they were making eye contact Ushijima spoke up in a serious tone, "We love you very much (M/n). While we are sad you didn't tell us about this aspect of your life. We know you mean no harm to either of us." I grabbed (M/n) chin and make him look at me, "I feel the same exact way as Ushi-kun. Don't sell yourself short (M/n). You're no monster. You're the love of our lives. And in case you haven't noticed we want to be around you as long as possible. Of course only if you'll have us as your partners." He looked at both of us with teary eyes and a small smile, "Do you guys really mean all of that? You guys want to stay with me." We nodded our heads and (M/n) collapsed in our arms as all tension and fear left his body. "You guys are the best. I truly love both of you. You guys mean absolutely everything to me."

They smiled down at me before we shared kisses and cuddle the rest of the day. Of course, that didn't save me from the million questions they had about me being a vampire. And even then I wouldn't change them for anything in the world.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I'm actually on Twitter writing stories as well if you guys want to read them. You guys are also free to DM there for requests and stuff. I love you my sweet potatoes

Twitter: bby_natsu_

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