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Character: Nishinoya Yuu
Type: Fluff ☁️
Story Name: Wah so cool
*Soulmate AU, Telepathy*

(M/n pov)

'Hellooooo?' I flinched when I heard the voice of what I'm guessing is my soulmate. I sighed softly before I set my pen down on my desk before I closed my eyes and replied, 'Hello?' It was quiet for a bit before they spoke up, 'How old are you? Where do you live? Are you a boy, girl, or non-binary? I'm a dude so I hope you don't mind. Also, what's your favorite sport?' When he finally stopped asking questions I took a deep breath before I replied again, 'I'm 17. I live in the Miyagi prefecture. I'm also a guy. And my favorite sport is [sport] even if I don't play it anymore because now I'm a manager for my older brother's volleyball team.' There was a short pause before he replied up, 'That's awesome. I play volleyball too."

I pinched the bridge of my nose, 'Alright anything else you want to tell me?' He immediately replied, 'I like Garigari-kun Popsicles. I hate onions and moths. I'm 5'3. I like to practice my made-up move which is called rolling thunder.' My eyes snapped open before I stood up and ran towards my older brother's room. I frantically knocked on the door before he pulled open the door. "(M/n)?" My older brother said looking extremely confused, "Tooru, I just finished speaking to my soulmate. Tell me if I'm wrong but the libero in Karasuno has a 'special' move called rolling thunder." His eyes widened before he nodded his head. "He's my soulmate." We both facepalm before he sighed, "Good luck with that one."

I pout before I run back to my room and reply to my soulmate, 'I think I just figured out who you are.' He replied almost immediately, 'What that's so not fair. I want to know who you are.' I giggled and replied, 'You'll know soon enough. And it's late you should get to bed.' I could practically feel his pout but he agreed and we said goodnight. For the next couple of days, I took the time to both get to know him as well as plan a practice match between Aoba Johsai and Karasuno. It wasn't long till both coaches agreed to the practice match and our team was stretching, warming up, and waiting for Karasuno to arrive. I sat on the bench and took out my analysis on the Karasuno team and smiled a bit at the sight of my soulmate's name. Soon enough the door opened and in walked Karasuno.

I stood up and met up with Karasuno's manager. It was a quiet conversation between us before Tanaka and Nishinoya ran up and tried to protect Kiyoko from me. I stared at Nishinoya before I spoke up to him telepathically, 'Hi Nishinoya.' His eyes widened before he yelled, "Wah so cool. Are you my soulmate?" I smiled and nodded my head. He immediately pulled me into a hug before his eyes widened, "Is this okay?" I nodded my head and he hugged me tighter. Suddenly, his eyes widened and he gasped, "Wah you're the same height as me." I deadpanned but he just chuckled, "What's your name?" I hummed before I spoke up, "Oikawa (M/n)." His jaw drops, "How are you the brother of someone so mean?" I shrugged and he pouted, "It's whatever but just know that I still think you're cool even if he's your brother."

I giggled and smiled before one single thought, 'I'm glad I met him so soon.'

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

Next up:
Iwaizumi Hajime (Fantasy AU)

Haikyuu x M!Reader Pt.2Where stories live. Discover now