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Character: Ukai Keishin
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: Good luck to you

(Ukai pov)

With a slight grin on my face, I walk through the gym doors and got ready to tell the boys that practice was officially starting but I saw them surrounding Hinata. I felt my curiosity get the best of me so I walked towards them and spoke up, "I want to know the exact reason as to why you guys aren't warming up and are standing around Hinata?" They all froze but then Tsukishima pushed Hinata forward almost making him face plant the ground but he luckily saved himself. Hinata glared at Tsukishima before clearing his throat and speaking up with a slight stutter, "Um your grandpa texted me telling me to tell the team and you that he was on his way. With both a surprise and special news." I froze before I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose, "Okay and when exactly did he send you this message?" Hinata looked at his phone before speaking up, "About ten minutes ago, coach."

I ran my hand over my face before speaking up, "Alright we still have a bit of time before he arrives so get to stretching and warming up your bodies." They nodded their heads and began to do as told as I went ahead and pulled out my phone to try to contact my grandpa but only got sent to voicemail. I even texted him but he left me on delivered. I shook off my nerves and a little bit of anxiety before I went back to my team. As I watched the team I couldn't help but feel like something very good was coming. At least that's what my inner alpha felt. My mating mark had been feeling sore since last night but I just couldn't explain why. I rubbed my hand across my face before I looked over a couple of different plays that we could practice before we have any more games for the season.

I stayed quiet for a moment deciding which ones would be good to practice. My head snapped up towards the gym door as they were slammed opened and my grandpa came in. Right after my grandpa came in my long-time mate and what I love to say the love of my life. I quickly stood and they immediately ran towards me before jumping and wrapping my legs around my hips and his arms around my neck. I nuzzled my face into his neck before purring softly. He whined softly before he spoke up, "Missed you so much, Shin." I breathed in his scent before speaking up, "Baby, what are you doing here? You weren't due to come back for another month and a half." He pulled away and took my face in his hand with a soft smile, "I finished my business trip early and I found out from your grandpa that you took after him and became a coach." I rolled my eyes and him before sighing, "I missed you so much."

He giggles before his eyes drifted behind me. He got off me before he stood next to me and spoke up, "Hello everyone. I'm Ukai (M/n) the husband and mate of your coach. It's lovely to finally meet all of you." He smiled at them and before anyone could say anything Tsukishima spoke up, "Good luck to you. Coach sure is something." I rolled my eyes and before I could say anything my wonderful mate spoke up with a mischievous glint in his eyes and a smirk he spoke up, "Says the one who most definitely has a crush on three people. And is built like the cinnamon stick from the apple jacks cereal box." I laugh loudly along with everyone else. "Oh man, I missed that sassy side of you." He looked up at me and grinned, "I love you, Shin. And most definitely missed you too." I grinned back, "I love you too."

Did you guys enjoy it? I didn't know what to do with this one but this is what I came up with.
Anyways, see you next time

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