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Character: Nishinoya Yu
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: You're so adorable

(M/n pov)

I stared at the clock above Nishinoya's and I shared sink with a glare. I've been in this bathroom for almost two hours trying to perfect Nishinoya's favorite snack in order to use them to confess to him. We've been childhood friends since I could remember but now that we're dorm mates I can't help but have feelings for him. Nishinoya is one of the sweetest people I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. He might not be the brightest but his heart is in the right place. I smiled a bit when I realized that a good amount of time passed meaning that the homemade soda-flavored popsicles must be frozen enough. I stood up and grabbed one from the fringe and almost immediately grimaced when I took a bite. It had way too much sugar making it excessively sweet. I frowned and threw them away to start up on a new batch.

The next fee batches were all just as bad. One I had accidentally made with salt instead of sugar. In the third batch, I make I forgot to put the sticks in the mold. In the fourth batch, I got distracted by the fact that I was so tired and completely kissed the mold. And finally fifty times the charm I made a pretty decent-looking and tasting batch. Unbeknownst to me, I was being watched by Nishinoya who was sitting at the staircase next to the kitchen. He saw all of my failed attempts and every frustration I took out on kitchen objects and utensils at 3 am. I sat in one of the bar stools and before I knew it I fell asleep against the island table. When I woke up about six hours later to the sound of pots and pans hitting each other I realized that I was no longer in the kitchen but in my room.

I stood up to make my way to the kitchen but I realized that I was quite sticky from the soda and sugar from last night. I took a shower and changed into some comfortable clothes before brushing my teeth and making my way downstairs and into the kitchen. There I see Nishinoya with grocery bags and a sheepish smile on his face, "Sorry, I swear I didn't mean to wake you up." I shook my head and smiled at him, "It's no problem. Now care to explain what's going on here." He put down the groceries before scratching the back of his neck, "I may or may not have caught you last night trying to make soda popsicles. And you looked so frustrated while doing them that when you fell asleep and I put you in your bed. I slept for another four hours before I quickly got up and left to the store to get all the ingredients needed to make soda pops." I could feel a blush settle itself on my cheeks as he let out a small chuckle.

"Come on (M/n). I'll teach you how to make them." I pouted a bit but let him teach me how to make them. Once we stuck them in the freezer we sat on the barstools and he spoke up, "Why were you trying so hard to make soda flavored popsicles, (M/n)?" I froze before looking down at my hands and fiddling with my thumbs. I let out a soft sigh before I spoke up, "I wanted to surprise you with them, Noya. I was going to give them to you as I confessed my feelings for you but it all went wrong. You probably don't even fee-." I was interrupted by Nishinoya grabbing my chin and pulling me into a kiss. My eyes widened at what was happening before I closed them and let myself be led into a soft and loving kiss. When we pulled away we pressed our foreheads against each other. He gave me a bright smile and I smiled back just as bright. Suddenly he spoke up, "You're so adorable, (M/n). Now let me officially ask. (M/n), would you like to be my boyfriend?" I giggled and replied with a soft 'yes'.


And that's the story of how Nishinoya and I found ourselves being each other's soulmates. And honestly, neither of us could ever be happier.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes. Also my loves, I have gotten a job. I will still be posting but I'll be limiting myself to one story per day.

Next up:
Goshiki Tsutomu (Age Regression)

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