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Character: Suna Rintarou
Type: Fluff ☁️
Story Name: You're beautiful
*Demon/Angel AU*

(M/n pov)

I grabbed my bag along with my favorite book as I walked past my screaming mother. "(M/n) you're eighteen you need to find a good and wealthy angel to marry so you can have a good life." I sigh and turned towards her, "And I already told you. I don't want to marry someone because of their money. Just because dad passed away leaving you nothing to continue your lavish lifestyle doesn't mean I'll be the one you'll control to get it. I want to marry for love and if you just can't understand that then this conversation is done." I walked out as she began to stutter and realize she has that she had no control over me anymore. I walked towards the forest into the deeper parts to ensure I'd be by myself before sitting down and leaning against a tree with my wings safely tucked behind me. I pulled out my book before I began to read it. It wasn't long till I heard shuffling coming from behind me and a couple of animals ran by me.

With a frown, I stood up and looked in the direction of where the animals came, and there stood what I could describe the most beautiful boy. As we got closer that's when I took notice of the horns and tail. "You're a demon?" I said and a look of confusion on my face. He stared at me before speaking up in a monotone voice, "And you're an angel." I continued to stare at him before speaking up again, "What are you doing out here?" He stared at me before sighing and looking away, "I don't know why I'm telling you this but I doubt you're gonna snitch but my parents are forcing me to marry someone who I don't love." I stared at him with wide eyes and gasped before speaking, "I'm going through a similar situation. My mother wants me to marry someone whose rich so she can have the money to live her lavish life. I mean honestly, all I wanna do is marry someone-." He spoke up at the same time as me, "I actually love." We stared at each other before blushing lightly and looking away, "I'm (L/n) (M/n), what's your name?" He stared at me, "I'm Rintarou Suna." I smile at him before I realized how late it was. "I should get back before moon sends someone to come look for me. Could I possibly see you again?" He stared at me a small blush forming on his cheeks as he nodded his head.

*About two months later*

After two months of constant meetups between us, I couldn't help but had fallen in love with Suna. He's smart, shares so many interests with me, and is just positively beautiful. I've thought about it and tonight I'll confess my feelings. I dressed in a nicer-looking outfit still making sure to look casual before leaving my house and heading to the store to purchase a small bouquet of Suna's favorite flowers. I headed towards our meeting spot only to see him sitting on the ground hugging his knees while crying softly. I immediately ran over and sat down next to him before pulling him onto my lap, "Hey why are you crying? Who do I have to fight?" He laughed softly before sniffing, "Now that'll be a sight to see an angel fighting a demon." I smiled softly at him before speaking up, "Care to tell me what's up?" He sighs before looking off into the distance, "My parents are trying to move up the wedding no matter how much I tell them I don't want to marry that guy. I already have someone I love."

I felt my heart drop but I forced myself to keep a neutral expression. "Oh, I'm sorry you're going through that," I said softly. He sighs and looks back at the ground before his eyes widened, "Why do you have flowers?" I looked down at the bouquet before bringing it up towards him. "They're um for you. I um have something to tell you Suna. Listen, you don't have to say yes or anything but Suna I'm in love with you I can only hope you feel the same." He stared at me before he threw his hand around my neck and kissed me. I froze in shock before I snapped out of it and wrapped my arms around his waist and kissed him back. We pulled apart from each other as he spoke up, "You like me too? Even if I'm a demon." I smiled gently and brought my hand up to his face and caressed his cheek with my hand, "You're beautiful, Suna. You're smart, caring, a little shy at times, and a bit mischievous what is there not to like. Runaway with me? Whether we date or get married in the far future just stay with me." He seemed stunned but he smiled softly, "I'll run away with you, (M/n). As long as you promise to love me unconditionally the way I love you." I smiled softly, "I already do."

With that, we ran away and are now living happily ever after.

Hope you enjoyed my lovelies. I liked this one a lot.

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