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Character: Nishinoya Yu
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: I like every part of you
*Reader is selective mute*

(M/n pov)

I frowned a bit at the empty hallways and at the realization that I had absolutely no idea where I was. As I continued to look around I noticed that no one was left at school. I frowned lightly but hope shimmered in my eyes when I saw someone near the school gym. I walked over to them and tapped their shoulder. The person turned around and gave me wide eyes look. "Hey, aren't you the new second year? I'm Nishinoya Yu." I blushed lightly and pulled out my phone and typed something out and held it towards him. He smiled at me and read it out loud, "Hello, I'm (L/n) (M/n). I got lost on my way out of the school and finding the volleyball club. Do you think you can help me?" He gave me a bright smile and I put the phone in my pocket. He spoke up once again, "I'm actually part of the volleyball club. Would it be okay if I brought you towards the gym?" I nodded my head and gave him a small smile.

He grabbed my hands and began dragging me towards the gym. Once we arrived he slammed open the gym doors before yelling, "Ukai, Takeda-sensei we have a new potential teammate." He pulled me to his side with a bright smile and I pulled out my club sign-up sheet and held it out towards one of the teachers. The guy with glasses grabbed it before he smiled brightly, "Kiyoko, you got yourself another manager. I'm Takeda-sensei by the way. Would it be alright if I told everyone about your conditions?" I nodded my head and I felt Nishinoya squeezed my hand. I blushed lightly because if it wasn't for that I wouldn't have realized we were still holding hands. Takeda cleared his throat before he spoke up, "This is (L/n) (M/n) he plans to be a manager till he graduates. He's a second year. And he's also a select mute. So please be respectful. (M/n) do you used sign language?" I nodded my head and he smiled, "Good. Kiyoko knows how to use sign language as well so it'll make it easier for you two to communicate."

I nodded my head and let go of Nishinoya's hand and bowed at him before making my way to Kiyoko. Completely missing the teasing looks sent in Nishinoya's direction. And that's how I became the second manager for the Karasuno team. No day is ever boring when your team is full of crackheads. But in recent days, I've come to notice that Nishinoya was avoiding me and that he had eye bags that were getting darker and darker with each day. I was so distracted by my thoughts that I didn't hear Kiyoko coming from behind me. She softly tapped my shoulder making my head snap towards her. She frowned lightly and signed, "Is everything okay, (M/n)?" I sighed softly and shook my head, "Noya has been ignoring me recently and his eye bags seemed to be getting darker with each passing day." She was about to sign back to me but Nishinoya came out of nowhere and stood in front of us.

"Hey Kiyoko, (M/n). Would it be alright if we can talk privately (M/n)?" I nodded my head and he grabbed my hand before he brought me towards the little garden next to the gym. He stopped walking and we stood in front of each other. He pulled his hand away before he brought his hands up. He looked at his hands before he let out a breath then he began sighing, "I have feelings for you." My eyes widened and he smiled at me before he spoke up, "I've been learning sign language for you because I wanted to confess with it." I smiled softly and I nodded my head and signed back, "I like you too." He smiled brightly before he pulled me into a hug, "Just so you know I like every part of you." I pulled away from the hug before I pecked his cheek, "Boyfriends?" He smiled brightly and nodded, "Boyfriends."


That's how Nishinoya and I started dating and honestly, we couldn't be happier.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

Next up:
Kenma Kozume (Age Regression)

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