TwinBrother! Tendou x Volleyball teams

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Character: Tendou Satori x Volleyball teams
Type: Fluff ☁️
Story Name: They're crazy

(M/n pov)

I was currently making my way to my twin brother's school. He's been really busy with the summer volleyball program being held at Shiratorizawa. Our mom had found that Satori forgot a bag and she told me that I had to bring it to him. This brings me to where I am now. Looking/listening for any signs of the volleyball teams. It wasn't long till I heard slams from balls as well as loud conversations. I held the bag closer to me and made my way towards the gym. I opened the door and I could feel eyes on me as I began walking into the gym. The gym door decided to be some kind of beacon because it decided to slam close gaining the attention of everyone. As I continued to look around for my brother I realized that he wasn't anywhere to be found.

Suddenly one of my brother's teammates walked up to me, "Tendou-senpai, where did you come from? You just left to go to the bathroom. Weren't you wearing different clothes?" I stared at him before I ruffled his hair, "Do not worry, my kohai. I decided to change before coming back." He slowly nodded jess head before he pulled me in the direction of their court. All eyes were on us at this point but I was having too much fun. Ushijima stared at me before he spoke up, "Tendou-kun, care to show one of our made-up moves?" I smirked and nodded my head. If there was anyone who could recognize me it would be Ushijima. My brother and I too mostly everyone plays/moves similarly when it comes to volleyball. But if you play enough with both of us like Ushijima you'll realize some moves of ours are slightly different.

I got ready and Ushijima and I did one of the many made-up moves between the three of us. Once he slammed the ball down and we landed back down on the court I smirked as Ushijima shook his head. I laughed loudly again gaining attention from everyone. Ushijima spoke up and a bunch of gasps could be heard around the gym, "(M/n)-kun I see you're doing well." I laugh again before I pouted, "You know Waka-kun you'd probably be the only one who'd be able to tell my brother and me apart." And as if the devil himself heard his name, my brother walked through the door. Everyone looked back and forth in between my brother and me. "(M/n) what are you doing here?" My brother asked as he walked up to me a cheeky grin on his face. I match his grin, "I came to give you your bag. Ma said to come here and bring it to you."

He stared at me before laughing, "I'm a dumbass." I shook my head laughing, "Nah everyone on your team except for Waka-kun is dumb. They didn't realize we weren't the same person." He laughed before he made finger guns at me, "Baki Baki Ni Ore." I grin, "Nani wo?" He wrapped his arm around my shoulder, "Konagona ni kudake, Nani wo?" I grin at the rest of the teams, "Seishin wo da yo〜." My brother and I continued to sing to ourselves but it wasn't like I couldn't hear what was going through everyone's head, "They're crazy."

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

Next up:
Hinata Shoyo

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