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Character: Kageyama Tobio
Type: Fluff ☁️
Story Name: I hate you

(M/n pov)

~Flash back~

With a smirk on my face, I slam open the gym door to my twin brother's school. All eyes were on me while my eyes zeroed in on my twin brother. I walked up to him and lightly pinched his cheek, "Keiiiii, I missed you sooooo much. Didn't you miss me?" Kei clicked his tongue and groaned, "Why are you here? Weren't you supposed to be studying and playing volleyball in [Random country] until our last year of high school?" I shrugged, "I hated not being able to tease you so I came back. Plus I missed being with my family." He nodded his head while rolling his eyes. I could tell he was happy I was back home but he would never admit it out loud. I looked behind him and saw Yamaguchi, "Hey Yams. How have you been? Is my brother here treating you well?"

He laughed and nodded his head, "You act like you're so much older than Tsukki. You guys were literally born five minutes apart." I laughed and threw my arm around my brother's shoulder, "I know but I was born first so that ultimately means I'm older." My eyes began to scan around the gym and that's when I saw the blue-haired cutie. I let go of Kei and walked over to him. "Hello, there cutie. May I  have the honor of getting to know the name of someone so adorable?" He blushed and pouted, "Kageyama T-Tobio. A-and don't call me cutie or adorable." I chuckled loudly and leaned down to his lever and grabbed his chin in between my two fingers, "Can I take you on a date Kageyama?" He once again burned bright red but nodded his head a bit.

~Flash back end~

"Now that I think about it. I should've made him work for a date with me. He had just flustered me so much that I couldn't even react logically." My now-husband said. He was standing next to me as we told the rest of our wedding guests exactly how we met. I chuckled, "You know for a fact I would have probably teased you and flirted with you for weeks, months, and even years to try and get a date with you." Tobio blushed bright red before he punched my shoulder, "I hate you." I laughed loudly and grabbed his wrist pulling him into a hug. I pressed a kiss to his forehead hearing cheers from everyone, "And I love you with all of my heart."

We pulled away from each other before I gently grabbed ahold of his face, "And I'll always love you. From infinity..." He nuzzled his face into my chest, "To beyond."

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

Next up:
Twin brother! Tendou Satori x Volleyball Teams

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