Kenma x Akaashi

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Character: Kenma Kozume x Akaashi Keiji
Type: Fluff ☁️
Story Name: You're adorable, baby

(M/n pov)

I got off the bed with a yawn before I slipped on my glasses. I walked towards the bathroom before I did my business as well as brushed my teeth. I made my way to the kitchen and my eyes widened when I realized that my boyfriends were sitting on my couch. Kenma was playing with his Switch while Keiji was watching a random tv show. "Um good morning," I said awkwardly. Their heads snapped over to me and they stood up and wrapped their arms around me. "(M/n)" Keiji said as he placed a soft kiss on my temple. I looked back and forth between them, "Not that I don't like that you two are here but why are you guys here? Kenma weren't you supposed to be at that gaming convention. And Keiji weren't you supposed to be on a business trip for your next manga."

Keiji gently grabbed my chin to make me look up at him. He leaned down and placed a small kiss on my lips. I felt Kenma come behind me as Keiji and I continued to kiss. Suddenly he pulled away and Kenma quickly replaced him. He pulled away and left me panting lightly. I blinked a couple of times to focus my vision on my boyfriend. They hugged me tighter before they placed their heads on my shoulders. I sighed softly and brought my hands up to their heads and began to gently play with their hair. After a couple of minutes passed Kenma spoke up, "We were both halfway to our destinations and while we were at the layover of our flights when we had received the news that Japan was getting a snowstorm. And I for one was not going to leave you snowed in by yourself. And I can't say I didn't miss the both of you."

I hummed in understanding and that's when Keiji spoke up, "I didn't want the two of you to be snowed in without me because I wasn't sure if we'd be able to stay in contact. And because I missed the both of you." I nodded my head before I gently rubbed their backs, "Alright I understand the situation now but I'd like to eat some breakfast before I completely starve myself on accident." They immediately let go of me and happily sat down on the barstools and watched as I cooked breakfast. I hummed softly as I finished cooking and handed each of them their plates before I sat down and ate my food. Once we finished eating Keiji did the dishes while Kenma placed me on the couch and helped Keiji clean the kitchen.

It wasn't long till they joined me on the couch and all three of us happily began to cuddle while watching random shows. We also played a bunch of video games per the request of Kenma. Currently, I was playing against him in Mario Kart. Kenma and I were fighting for the first place and I was practically on the edge of my seat. It was almost out of nowhere when Kenma got hit by a blue shell at the end which allowed me to pass him and go through the finish line. I cheered loudly and stood up and began to dance. Keiji pulled me towards him by my waist and sat me on his lap. I smiled at him, "Keiji I won. I beat Kenma in a race." He chuckled, "You're adorable, baby. But congratulations." I kissed his cheek before I kissed Kenma's as well. "I love you both so freaking much," I said smiling softly at them. They smiled a simultaneously replied, "We love you too, Kitten/Blossom."

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

Next up:
Tendou Satori x Ushijima Wakatoshi (Omegaverse)

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