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Character: Goshiki Tsutomu
Type: Fluff ☁️
Story Name: Chu da best
*Age Regression*

(Goshiki pov)

I stare at my boyfriend/dorm mate as a look of worry comes onto my face. "Tomu, I can feel you staring. What's wrong?" (M/n) asked as he continued to work on his school assignments. We've been dating since our first year at Shiratorizawa. It's currently out third and last year and (M/n) seems to spend more time on making sure he finishes all his work early rather than taking care of himself and spacing it out. I let out a soft sigh and furrow my eyebrows, "(M/n) when was the last time you had a proper meal? A nice calming and warm bath/shower? When was the last time you let yourself regress? I'm worried about you. The assignments can wait our teachers aren't expecting the assignments you're working on until two weeks from now." He paused what he was writing and turned towards me that's when I was able to see the dark eye bags that were being hidden by his glasses. He sighed and gave me a small smile, "I'm fine, Tomu. You have nothing to worry about."

And with that, he turned back around and continued working on his assignments. My frown deepened but I did not let what he said deter me from taking care of him. I stood up and walked to our dorm's connecting bathroom and started a bath with (M/n) favorite bath bomb and some scent-free bubbles. After the bath was a good temperature I made sure to bring out the box full of his favorite bath toys from underneath the sink. I placed the box next to the bathtub before taking a deep breath. 'I'm sorry (M/n). Please don't hate me for this.' I walked back into the room and gently began caressing (M/n)'s arm. "Tomu what are you doing? I'm trying to finish this." He asked even though now he seemed a little bit less tense. "I know you want to finish the assignment, pumpkin. But papa is worried about you." As I said that I brought my hand up to his scalp and began to lightly scratch at it.

He hummed softly so I continued, "Papa just wants to take care of his baby. But my little pumpkin doesn't want papa to take care of him. And that makes me really sad." I heard a small gasp which almost cleared away any guilt I felt for forcing (M/n) to regress but he really needed it. He hasn't regressed since school started and that was almost four months ago. "I no want papa to be sad," He said softly while looking up at me. I gave him a light smile and leaned down and placed a kiss on his forehead. "Then are you going to let papa take care of you?" He gave me a shy smile and nodded his head. I let out a small breath of relief before I walked around the chair he was sitting in and picked him up. He cuddled up to me as I brought him to the bathroom. I set him up for a bath before I went and made some quick but sorta healthy food.

Once he was done bathing he yelled for me. So I went and helped him get dressed into some comfortable clothes before I brought him to the kitchen and had him eat the food I made. Once he finished that I carried him back to our room and sat him down on his bed. I grabbed the remote before putting on [favorite Disney movie]. He made grabby hands and me while I just chuckled and got into bed with him in order to cuddle him. He snuggled into my chest before whispering, "Chu da best, papa. I wuv chu lots." I smiled and pressed a kiss into his hair, "I love you too, pumpkin."

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

Next up:
Sakusa Kiyoomi

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