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Character: Asahi Azumane
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: Don't scare me like that

(M/n pov)

I groaned and blinked a couple of times as I felt the morning sunshine straight onto my eyes. I turn away from my window only to feel like my lungs were being crushed by some unknown force. I sit up with a gasp and try to catch my breath but to no avail. It takes another two to three minutes for me to fully calm down and realize that my nose was stuffy and that I felt feverish. With another small groan, I stood up and headed to my bathroom. I took a cold shower trying to feel anything but the oncoming fever. Once I finished I dressed in my school uniform and grabbed my book bag and other essentials before I made my way to school. I have a very important test to complete today and because my mother knew that I knew that unless I was actually throwing up there should be no reason as to why I had to miss school along with an important test.

Once I got closer to the school grounds I pulled it one of my emergency masks before heading inside. I couple of people attempted to say hi to me but because I was so disorientated I didn't even notice. One of the people to say hi to me was one of my boyfriends' teammates/friends and with a worried glance sent my way he quickly went to go find him. I made it to my classroom before I sat down and put my arms on my desk before I laid my head on them as I waited for the teacher to arrive. It only took about eight minutes for the bell to ring and the teacher to arrive but to me, it felt like two hours. Once they arrived they told the class the agenda for the day before they handed us the test. With the very little energy I had left I began to do the test. It only took me a little over half the duration of the class. I laid my head on my desk as I again waited for the bell to ring once again.

*Time skip*

I could feel myself feel worse with every minute that passes. It wasn't long till the bell rang and I left the classroom only to see my lover standing by the door with a nervous/worried look on his face. Just as I was about to ask him what he was doing there he walked up to me and placed his hand on my forehead before his eyes widened. "(M/n) what are you doing at school. You feel extremely hot. Baby, you need to go home or to the nurse. Or something you shouldn't be here." As he kept talking I could feel myself getting dizzy before all light faded from my vision and I felt myself slip into unconsciousness. When I woke up again I flinched at the brightness that came from the nurses' office lights. As I was about to sit up I felt something weighing down my arm. I looked down only to see Asahi sleeping but his face was pulled into a small frown.

With my free hand, I gently began to play with his hair. It wasn't long till he stirred in his sleep and opened his eyes. He looked up at me before he put his hand on my forehead and let out a breath of relief. He smiled gently before he spoke up, "How do you feel baby?" I smiled softly, "Way better than I did earlier. What time is it?" He checked his phone and spoke up, "That's a good baby, and it's almost the end of the school day. You know you really scared me." I gave him a sheepish smile, "I'm sorry honey. I didn't mean to it's just I didn't want to mood the test and I figured I could last till the end of the school day." He hummed before he stood up, "Come on, baby I'll take you home. Also don't scare me like that ever again." He helped me stand up before I smiles up at him and spoke up, "I promise and I love you. Thank you for taking care of me." He smiled, "I love you too."

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes. Lots of love.

Question of the day:
If you could punch any character in the face, who would it be?

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