Yaku x Lev

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Character: Yaku Morisuke x Lev Haiba
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: You'll have to get used to them
*Soulmate AU*

(Yaku pov)

"Hey Yaku, I've been meaning to ask you this but what is the name of your soulmate?" Kuroo asked with a mischievous look in his eyes. I rolled his eyes in before speaking up, "Why should I tell you?" Kuroo smirked and shrugged a bit, "I'm just feeling curious. Plus I know both you and our newest member, Lev, haven't met your soulmate to my knowledge." I scowled in the direction of Kuroo before he spoke up, "My soulmate's name is Kiyoko (M/n)." I heard a gasp come from behind me so I turned in that direction and saw a very pale-looking Lev. "Oh, Lev~ what's wrong?" Kuroo said sounding extremely mischievous. I raised an eyebrow as Lev stuttered out an answer, "My soulmate's name is Kiyoko (M/n) too." My eyes widened and I stomped over to Lev and grabbed his wrist and dragged him towards the changing rooms.

Once we were away from prying eyes I looked at his wrist and sure enough, we have the same soulmate. I huffed out a breath of frustration and let go of his wrist. "Alright since we have the same soulmate but we're not soulmates ourselves we need to figure out a way to make this work. I want to be able to be a good soulmate to my partner and I'm sure you do too." Lev nodded his head and I put my hand out, "Truce? And after school and after practice hangouts to get to know each other?" Lev smiled and shook my hand, "Truce. I agree with you. I want to be a good soulmate and I'm pretty sure this is for the best." We gave each other small smiles. And with that, the both of us began working on our relationship. At some point during our hang-out session, we realized we had feelings for each other and agreed to date considering we'd have to deal with each other when we found our soulmate.

It's been about three months since we started dating and Kuroo had announced that we were having a practice match with Karasuno in a couple of days. It wasn't long till the day of the practice match. And as of right now we were waiting for Karasuno to get down from the bus and come into the gym. Soon enough the door got opened up by Nishinoya and Tanaka. I see two very similar people walk through the door. What I'm guessing to be sister and brother. I recognized one of them as Kiyoko Shimizu the team's manager but the other one is a complete mystery to me. Soon enough Yamamoto is yelling quite loudly, "Now you have another cutie as a manager? No fair. What's his name?" Tanaka and Nishinoya smirked chest puffed up in pride, "His name is Kiyoko (M/n)."

Almost at the same time, Lev and I looked at each other and our teammate's eyes widened as they looked over at us. I was about to walk over but Kuroo got to him first, "Hey cutie, thought I should tell you but the two standing over there might be your soulmates. Just a warning though you'll have to get used to them. They're quite the rowdy duo." Lev and I glare at Kuroo but stopped when (M/n) walked over to us before he spoke up in a soft voice, "Are you two, Lev Haiba and Yaku Morisuke?" We nodded our heads and he smiled brightly. "It's lovely to finally meet the two of you." He said with a light blush on his cheeks.


And that's how Lev and I got to know each other and started dating even though we weren't soulmates. As well as found our soulmate which in turn just brought the three of us closer. And the three of us couldn't be happier.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

Next up:
Nishinoya Yu

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