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Character: Asahi Azumane
Type: Lil Angst 💔, Fluff ☁️
Story Name: I'll always be here for you
*Age Regression*

(Asahi pov)

I looked towards the gym doors as soon as I heard them open. My eyes widened when I saw my boyfriend teary red-eyed and a clear frown on his face. I quickly made my way over to him and spoke up in a whisper, "Is it okay for me to touch you, darling?" He slightly nodded and I immediately wrapped my arms around his shoulders and pulled his face into my chest. His hand immediately grips onto my shirt and I could feel him shaking slightly. I began to play with his hair before I moved us around and looked at Daichi with silent pleading eyes. He looked down at (M/n) with a worried look on his face and nodded his head at me. I picked him up wrapping his legs around my waist and wrapping his arms around my neck. I grabbed both of our things before I took us back to my house.

Once we arrived at my house I brought him up to my room. Before I could even attempt to put him on the bed he started crying and shaking, "No papa don let go." That's when I realized how severe the situation was. I quickly brought out (M/n)'s little box before taking out most of his favorite comfort items. I carried him over to the bathroom before setting up a warm bath with his favorite bath bomb and bath toys. I say him down on the sink before beginning to undress him making sure he was comfortable the entire time. Soon enough I had him bathing and quietly playing with his toys. I walked out of the bathroom after making sure he would be okay. I brought his favorite stuffed animal, some of his favorite snacks, and turned on my TV in order to play his favorite Disney movie.

I returned to the bathroom and I looked up at (M/n) only to see that he looked like he wanted to say something. I kneeled next to the bathtub before I spoke up, "Is everything okay, darling?" He shook his head before he spoke up, "Today's at my club I mess up that why I was so so sad. I fewt weally bad, papa." I gently brush his hair off his forehead before smiling softly, "It's okay to make mistakes, pumpkin. It only means that the next time you attempt it you know what you should and shouldn't do. You might feel bad for making a mistake now but take what you learned today and apply it next time you attempt it. Okay?" He nods his head before I took him out of the bath. I made sure I put him in some comfortable clothes before bringing him back to the bedroom.

Once everything was prepared I laid him down on the bed and gave him his favorite stuffed animal. I put some snacks on the bedside table before laying playing the movie. I quickly showered and changed into some comfortable clothes before I made my way back to (M/n). We cuddled for the rest of the night and watch all of his favorite movies per his request.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

Next up:
Asahi Azumane (Age Regression)

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