Asahi x Nishinoya

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Character: Asahi Azumane x Nishinoya Yu
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: You guys get flustered so easily
*Coffee shop AU*

(M/n pov)

It was one of those slow days at the cafe. We got a rush of ten to fifteen customers every hour but other than that things were going alright. I was fixing up our pastry display when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I took off my gloves and pulled out my phone only to see a message from one of my boyfriends, Asahi. I felt myself panic a bit since I know Asahi isn't the type to text me during work unless some kind of emergency is happening. I quickly unlock my phone and read the message.

Darling💕: Hey (M/n), Noya spilled the beans on the fact that we're dating to the team. They are all demanding to meet you. Is the cafe busy because if it is I'll make sure to tell them it'll have to be another day?

With a small smile of fondness for Nishinoya's need to brag about our relationship to anyone that would listen I replied to Asahi.

(N/n)💕: Asahi baby, it's okay. I know how Noya gets. Your team is welcome to come to the cafe it's pretty slow and boring. So seeing the two of you would make me extremely happy.

He replied almost instantly,

Darling💕: Okay (N/n), we'll be there in ten minutes or so.

With a small smile on my face, I head back to work and put on some new gloves, and continued to fix the pastry case. After what felt like forever but in reality, was like eight minutes I got a rush of five customers. Easily dealing with them just as the door opened in came in my boyfriends along with their team. Just as I was about to say hi a coffee cup was slammed in front of me. I stared at the older man in front of me with a blank look as he began yelling at me, "What the actual fuck is wrong with you? I asked for a black coffee with two sugars. It isn't that hard to get right. You're so stupid. Is this the reason you work at a coffee shop instead of going to school and becoming a respectable person to society?" With a blank look on my face, I pick up the cup and look at the label where it read 'Hot coffee: 2 Creams'.

I raise an eyebrow at the man and spoke up, "I had two people order right after you sir. One of them had black coffee with 2 creams that mysteriously went missing so I had to remake it. And from what I can tell it isn't my fault you can't take the time to read a label that's big enough to see. So do me a fucking favor and get the fuck out of my café. Before you ask I fucking own? So out you go rude ass bitch." With a huff and a puff, he walked out making sure and failing to slam the front door due to the soft-closing hinges I installed. With a sigh, I turned over to my boyfriends to see them with soft blushes on their cheeks. I laughed softly, "You guys get flustered so easily. I barely did anything this time." Noya was the first one to snap out of it as he walked to the front counter, "What do you mean? You were so badass." I rolled my eyes and gently kissed his cheek before walking around the counter and making my way to Asahi and kissing his cheek as well. I turned to their team, "Hello, sorry about before I'm not usually like that but anyway I'm (L/n) (M/n). It's wonderful to meet all of you officially. Asahi and Noya have told me a lot about you guys."

I got to know their team which in turn made them happy because now they didn't feel like they were hiding me away. Though thanks to the meeting I ended up gaining a regular once he found out I sold strawberry shortcake.

Hi, my lovelies. Did you guys enjoy it? I listened to D*sney music the entire time I wrote this haha

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