Miya Twin

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Character: Miya Atsumu x Miya Osamu
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: Are you guys sure?

(M/n pov)

I lightly knocked on the volleyball gym door and waited for it to be open. It wasn't long till the door opened and Kita stood in front of me with a confused look on his face. I grabbed the boxes that I had put on the ground before giving Kita a small smile, "I got the team jackets and jerseys. And the rest of the student council was busy so I brought it." He smiled and thanked me before opening the door fully. I followed after him before he told me exactly where to put the boxes. I cracked my back before I turned back to Kita, "How's the team? How's being the captain? How are the second and first years?" He shrugged a bit, "The team is good. Bring captain is hard work but at times it's fun. The second and first years are hard-working and determined. Way too annoying and goofy but when it comes to it they know how to work." I nod my head before I heard a door slam open.

Kita and I ignored it as we continued to talk. About halfway through our talk Kita interrupted, "Sorry (M/n) let me do something real quick." I nodded my head and I watched as Kita turned towards his team before he yelled, "Just because I'm talking to someone it doesn't mean you guys can slack off. You better get to practice right now. And where the fuck are the Miya twins." Just as he said that the famous Miya twins walked through the door yelling and fighting with each other. As they got closer to Kita he grabbed them by their ears, "You two better gave a good reason as to why you're late. As well as to why you two are fighting in front of our school's president/guest?" I walked up to Kita after the twins noticed that I was there I put my hand on Kita's shoulder before smiling softly, "It's okay, Kita. Don't scold them. They won't be late again, right boys?"

They looked between me and Kita before they rapidly nodded their heads. I smiled and sent them away before Kita could yell at them. Kita and I continued talking before I felt my phone vibrate with a message from the student council vice president. I looked back up at Kita before I spoke up, "I have to go, Kita. I'll see you around." He nodded and waved me goodbye. As soon as I was out of the gym I heard the door slam open once again and screaming voices. I glanced over and saw the Miya twins running towards me. Once they stood in front of me I turned towards them and raised an eyebrow. Osamu cleared his throat before he spoke up, "Um is your name (L/n) (M/n)?" I nodded my head. They looked at each other and smiled before they bowed and yelled at the same time, "Thank you for saving us from Kita-san. Can we take you out on a date?"

I stared at them and blinked a couple of times, "Are you guys sure? I'm pretty sure you two are alphas. I might be shorter than you guys but I'm not a beta or omega. I'm an alpha as well." They looked at each other before Atsumu spoke up, "We don't care. We still want to take care of you and take you on a date. As long as you let allow us." I smiled softly before I nodded my head, "Sure but you have to get my number from Kita." Their eyes widened at the realization that it would be almost impossible to get my number from Kita. I giggled and pulled their daze selfs down to my height and pressed a kiss to each of their cheeks before I walked away.


They ended up getting my number after many tries and we finally got to go on a date. Years later we're still together and now married. We adopted two dogs as well as two wonderful babies. We got a house near Osamu's shop and all of us couldn't be happier.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

Next up:
Nishinoya Yu

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