Brother! Kita x Osamu

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Character: Brother! Kita Shinsuke x Osamu Miya
Type: Fluff ☁️
Story Name: I would date you instead
*Femboy reader*

(M/n pov)

As I was dancing around the kitchen and baking some pastries I heard my phone ring. I frowned a bit and grabbed ahold of my phone and saw that it was a call from my brother. I raised an eyebrow in confusion and answered the phone before I spoke up, "Suke-san, is everything okay?" I heard his breath in sharply before he spoke up, "I left my knee pads at home as well as my water bottle. If you're not busy could you possibly bring it?" I hummed and spoke up, "What's in it for me? It is a long walk." I heard him pause before he spoke up, "Two new outfits plus shoes." I hummed and took the cookies out of the oven. "Alright, I'll be there in ten to fifteen minutes." He hummed and thanked me before he hung up. I packaged up most of the cookies, the cake, and the sweets. Once that was done I went ahead and took a quick shower.

I put on a black skirt with a white shirt that was tucked into my skirt as well as a blue oversized cardigan. Once that was done I went into the kitchen and grabbed the desserts before making my way to the front door. I put on some white socks and then put on my 'Mary Janes' shoes. Once that was done I grabbed everything which included my bothers water bottle and his knee pads and walked towards my car. With that, I went ahead and got ready to drive to my brothers' school. It wasn't long till I reached my brothers' school. I parked and grabbed everything before I got down from the car. I locked it up before making my way towards the school gym. Once I was there I lightly knocked on the door. It wasn't long till it was opened by my brother's teammate who I recognized as Aran.

He raised an eyebrow, "How may I be of help?" I gave him a small smile, "I'm here for my brother Shinsuke." His eyes widened before he opened the door fully. I bowed at him before I walked inside the gym. Once I was inside all eyes were on me but I ignored them. Once I finally stood in front of my brother I could feel two sets of eyes on me but I choose to ignore it. I spoke up, "Suke-san." He smiled down at me before speaking up, "Thanks for bringing my water bottle and my knee pads. Appreciate it." I smiled back at him, "Of course. By the way, I brought treats." Before my brother could say anything to the test of the team about the treats that I had brought two very loud voices could be heard. Suddenly a blonde walked up to me while the grey-haired stayed behind looking upset.

The blonde grabbed my hand with a smirk on his lips, "You're quite adorable. May I have the honor of knowing such a cutie name?" I stared at him blinking a couple of times. I pulled my hand seat from him and spoke up, "I'm Kita (M/n). Please refrain from calling me cutie or adorable. Thank you." He stared at me and I could hear a couple of people stifling their laughs. He shook his head and smirked again, "Well (M/n)-san, would you like to go on a date with me?" I deadpanned at him before my eyes fell on what I could only assume was the twin of the guy in front of me. I ignored the blonde and walked over to the grey-haired guy. "Hello, what's your name?" I said softly. He looked up at me with wide eyes before he spoke up, "Um hi I'm Miya Osamu." I smiled, "It's nice to meet you, Osamu." He blinked at me before he spoke up, "Shouldn't you be happy you have the attention of the great Miya Atsumu? He asked you on a date." I shook my head and rocked back and forth with my hands behind my back, "I would date you instead."


Years later Osamu and I are married. We opened his onigiri shop together and honestly, we couldn't be any happier.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

Next up:
Yaku Morisuke x Kuroo Tetsurou (Soulmate AU)

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