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Character: Asahi Azumane
Type: Fluff ☁️
Story Name: Of course, pumpkin
*Age Regression*

(M/n pov)

I sat on my desk chair inside my office rubbing my hands over my face when I noticed that the house was a bit quiet. I knew I left my office door open in case of Asahi needed me for anything. I stood up and stretched before I walked around the house looking for my baby. Once I found him I saw that he was sitting in the middle of his playroom silently crying. I walked up to him and kneeled to his height before I gently cradled his face in my hands. I wiped his tears  away with my thumb before I spoke up in a gentle voice, "Hey pumpkin, why the long face and the tears?" He looked up at me before he averted his eyes, "Ish nothing, papa. I no wanna bother chu. Chu has work." I shook my head before I sat all the way down and pulled him onto my lap, "Absolutely not, pumpkin. I would drop everything as soon as you say anything was going on. Now you know full well that you aren't a bother so please tell me what's going on, love."

He sighed and leaned against my chest before he spoke up, "I lost Mr.Fuzzy." I nodded my head and tapped my chin before I spoke up, "How about we play a game, pumpkin?" He looked up at me with confusion written all over his face, "What kind of game, papa?" I gave him a small smile, "Whoever finds Mr.Fuzzy first gets two cookies from the special cookie jar." His eyes widened and he gets up almost immediately. I stood up and smiled down at him, "Ready. Set. Go." Almost instantly he was running around the house looking for his teddy bear. While I calmly made my way towards my office once again. As I walked in I saw the teddy bear in the corner of my office along with all the other "Papa protectors" as Asahi likes to call them. I picked him up and I sat down in my office chair as I waited for Asahi to continue looking.

It took about ten minutes for Asahi to burst through my office door and to see me sitting on my desk chair with his teddy bear on my lap. His eyes grew wide and he smiled brightly, "MR.FUZZY." He runs up to me and almost immediately climbed onto my lap while bringing the teddy bear into a bone-crushing hug. I smiled softly and gently began to run my fingers through his long hair, "Would you look at that? I found Mr.Fuzzy. Don't you think papa deserves a thank you?" He smiled and nods his head before he hugs me tightly, "Tank chu, papa. I wuv chu a lot." I smiled at him, "I love you too, pumpkin." I went back to doing my work and it was quiet for a bit as he played with the teddy bear while still sitting on my lap. It was a bit of time before he spoke up, "Papa since chu found Mr.Fuzzy. Chu gets the cookies, right?"

I chuckled, "You have some priorities, pumpkin." I opened the drawer inside my desk before grabbing the cookie jar I keep in there. I pull two cookies out before putting the jar away again. I gave him a cookie before taking the other one and breaking it in half. I grabbed Mr.Fuzzy and sat on my desk before I handed him a cookie before smiling softly as Asahi's eyes got wide. "Mr.Fuzzy also gets a cookie." I smiled, "Of course, pumpkin." He smiled and hugged me, "Wah tank chu, papa." I smiled once again, "You're welcome, pumpkin."

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

Next up:
Atsumu Miya x Osamu Miya (Omegaverse)

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