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Character: Kenma Kozume
Type: Lil snippet of Angst💔, Fluff☁️
Story Name: And yes I'll always be right here
*Age Regression**S/a/n ~ stuffed animal name*

(Kenma pov)

I was in the middle of streaming when I heard my phone buzz from beside me. I frowned and ignored my phone and continued to try and fight the monster from my game. It was about forty-five minutes later that I finally beat the monster. Everyone on the chat began cheering me on and congratulating me. I smiled at the camera before I grabbed my phone and checked to see what notification I had received. I unlocked my phone before my eyes widened. I quickly muted my mic before looking at the message that was sent to me by my partner of six years.

Baby💕: KenKen I needs help plese

My eyes widened when I read the way everything was spelled as well as the nickname. "Fuck" I said under my breath. I unmuted my mic before informing my followers that I have to end the love early. They were sad but said goodbye anyway. I ended the live and quickly made my way towards (M/n) play/little room. I lightly knocked on the door and my eyes widened when all I heard were soft sobs coming from inside. As carefully as I could I opened the door before listening in to what (M/n) was telling his favorite stuffed animal. "(S/a/n) I don tink papa wuvs me. I no ask fo a lot I jus want sum attention. Ish I bad fow that?" I quickly stepped inside the room and cleared my throat to make myself known.

(M/n) turned towards me with wide eyes and I could see the streaks of tears on his cheeks. I kneel next to him and softly wiped the tears away from his cheeks. I sat on the ground and pulled (M/n) onto my lap. "I'm sorry I didn't answer you right away, pumpkin. I swear it wasn't my intention to make you feel bad in any way. And pumpkin you can always have my attention. And yes I'll always be right here." He looked up at me before he wrapped his arms around my neck, "Chu promise papa?" I smiled softly, "I promise, pumpkin. I love you so much, baby. You're my little boy." (M/n) smiled and then he grabbed his stuffed animal before speaking, "See (S/a/n). I knews papa wuved me a lots." I smiled softly and placed a soft kiss on his temple.

I began rubbing his back as I spoke up, "Pumpkin you sent me a text telling me you needed help. What was it that you needed?" He looked up at me with wide eyes before he pointed at his toy box, "I could not gets it open, papa. It was weally hards." I chuckled softly, "Of course it's going to be hard to open, pumpkin. You have like forty other toys laying on top of it." His eyes widened before he went, "O that make sense. I no need it anymowes anyway." I raised an eyebrow at that, "And why is that pumpkin?" He hugged me again, "Ish because papa is hewe now. So I happy wif papa." I smiled softly, "How about we play with your toys before dinner? We can play with anything and everything you want." He smiled and cheered before hugging me tightly, "Tank chu papa. I wuv chu a lot." I hugged him back just as tight, "I love you too, pumpkin."

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

Next up:
Nishinoya Yu

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