Kuroo x Bokuto

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Character: Kuroo Tetsurou x Bokuto Kotaro
Type: Lil Angst💔, Fluff ☁️
Story Name: I love you both
*FtM reader*

(M/n pov)

Tetsu❤️: Ko, (N/n) can you guys come over? I have something I need to ask both of you.

Ko💕: Okay but is everything okay?

Tetsu❤️: Yeah everything is okay. I just need to talk with both of you.

I frowned at the group chat before I replied with an 'okay'. I got up from my bed and took a quick shower making sure to lightly and gently wash my top surgery scars. Once I was out of the shower I slipped on some loose/comfortable clothing before grabbing my phone, wallet, and keys. I got in my car and played some calming music because my mind was racing and I couldn't help but feel like maybe Kuroo wanted to break up with us. I know that Bokuto is probably overthinking this as much as me but I took a bit more time arriving at Kuroo's house because I knew that if I didn't collect both myself and my thoughts I would probably end up crying the moment I saw Kuroo. Once I arrived and got down from the car with my things I took another deep breath before walking to Kuroo's front door.

I lightly knocked and waited for the door to be opened. I heard a bit of shuffling and soon a smiling Kuroo opened the door. I gave him a small smile and gasped lightly when I was pulled into his house by my wrist. He closed the front door before he brought me over to where Bokuto was sitting. Before I could sit down on the couch I was pulled into Bokuto's lap by Bokuto himself. He wrapped his arms around my waist with a small smile on his face though I could see hints of worry swirling in his golden eyes. We looked back at Kuroo when we heard him clear his throat. I let out a soft sigh before I spoke up, "So what's going on, Kuroo?" He gave Bokuto and me a bigger smile before he spoke up, "As you two already know I truly love both of you. You two mean the absolute world to me. I support each of you in your decisions and I have been meaning to ask the two of you something for the last couple of months considering we have been dating for six years."

He paused before he took out two small boxes. He kneeled in front of Bokuto and me, "Would the two of you do me the honor of marrying me? As well as moving into the house I build for the three of us." Bokuto and I looked down at the now open boxes. One had two house keys while the other one has two beautiful but unique rings. I could feel both myself and Bokuto shake as we held in tears without thinking I jumped off Bokuto's lap before I wrapped my arms around Kuroo. Bokuto did the same and all three of us cried after I had calmed down just enough I spoke up, "Yes. My answer is yes." Bokuto spoke up after me also saying 'yes'. Kuroo smiled and slipped the rings on before pecking both of us on our lips.

"Thank you for saying yes, my loves. I love you both so freaking much. You're both my moon and my sun. My love for both of you is bigger than the universe and I've always known this but you two are and will always be my soulmates." We looked at Kuroo with wide smiles and Bokuto spoke up, "That was so cheesy, Ku. But we love you too, right (N/n)?" I smiled and pecked Kuroo's cheek, "Yes, we love you a lot."

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

Next up:
Kageyama Tobio x Hinata Shoyo (Mpreg)

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