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Character: Aone Takanobu
Type: Fluff ☁️
Story Name: You're so perfect, Nobu
*Angel/Demon AU*

(Third pov)

Aone watched his demon lover run around the house cleaning, singing, and cooking. Aone gently grabbed his arm and gave him a worried look. (M/n) smiled softly before gently holding Aone's face in his hands, "I'm sorry, my love. But a couple of your friends are coming over soon. Did you forget?" Aone's eyes widened almost comically. (M/n) paused and giggled at his husband's face. "Okay, my love. Come on now let's finish up." Quickly and efficiently the demon and the angel worked together to clean and cook all while sharing soft and sweet kisses whenever they could. Soon enough they were showered and dressed they made sure food was all done before they sat on the couch and waited for their friends to arrive.

Before (M/n) realized it he fell asleep the anxiety and excitement of their friends coming to visit caused him to pass out in his lovers' arms. Aone taking a look at his lover decided to text their friends and let them know that it would be better if they came a little later in the day. Aone watched a movie while holding onto his lover. Every time he heard (M/n) huff or felt him move Aone would gently squeeze him before he kissed his forehead. (M/n) would only sigh softly before smiling and continuing to sleep. An hour and a half later (M/n) woke up with wide eyes and a wildly beating heart. "Oh my god, I can't believe I fell asleep. Our friends must think I'm so rude." Before (M/n) could continue with putting himself down Aone grabbed his face, "It's okay. I told them to come later. I knew you were tired."

(M/n) stared at Aone his eyes full of love for the man before him. "You're the best. Thank you for caring about me so much. I really do love you." Aone blushed bright red before he replied, "I love you too. Our friends should be coming in thirty minutes." (M/n) hummed and pulled Aone down and kiss his lips, "You're so perfect, Nobu." Aone shook his head, "We're perfect together."

Sorry for the short chapter my loves. Still, I hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

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