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Character: Nishinoya Yu
Type: Fluff ☁️
Story Name: Adorable
*Taller Nishinoya*

(Nishinoya pov)

I watched my boyfriend of five years cook breakfast for both of us and I couldn't help the silly smile that came onto my lips. "Hey (M/n), where do you want to go next on our trip?" I asked as he handed me the plate of food. He sits down and hummed softly in thought. He took a bite of some waffles before he spoke up, "How about we go to Bali?" My eyes widened, "That sounds like an awesome idea (M/n). You just sit and I'll get the planes tickets and everything that we may need in Bali." He raised an eyebrow but nodded his head. After we finished our breakfast he leaned towards me and placed a kiss on my cheek before he made his way to the living room. I began to search for the best flights, hotels, and cars. I got distracted and at some point ended up on a sight for wedding rings. I looked back at (M/n) and I saw that he had fallen asleep while watching his show.

I didn't even think about it twice I just began to look through the wedding ring. By the end I found the perfect ring, the perfect hotel, the best flight, and the best car to use on the trip. I began to buy everything and thankfully (M/n) and I made enough money off the YouTube videos we post. It's about a week and a half later when we're packed and ready to go to Bali. I went ahead and picked up the ring two days before and hid it in my suitcase before (M/n) could see it. With almost no issues we got into our flight and slept the whole way to Bali. Once we arrived and grabbed our suitcases we went ahead and drove to the hotel. We would be staying for around two weeks so we took out our clothes from our suitcases and I was careful to once again hide the ring.

"Hey (M/n)?" He looked up at me as we walked through the streets, "Yeah Noya?" I intertwined our fingers while smiling, "Do you enjoy traveling the world with me?" He frowned a bit while nodding his head, "Of course I do. What makes you think I don't?" I shook my head, "It was just a question. It wasn't anything to get you worried. Just wanted to make sure you liked doing this with me I know it's a lot to be traveling constantly." He shook his head and stood on the tips of his toes before placing a kiss on my cheek. "I loved every single trip we've taken. 5% of the reason is that they're beautiful places to explore but the 95% is because I had you by my side." He said while smiling softly. 'I'm so asking you to marry me.' I thought with a small smile on my face as we continued our walk.

*time skip*

It's about our seventh day in Bali and we are taking our mid-week break from walking around and doing activities. I set up a hidden camera to catch the entire proposal so I could send it to friends and family. (M/n) and I dress in our respective suits and go out to have a fancy dinner. Once we got back I made sure to come in first to secretly turn on the camera as well as put the ring box in my pant pocket. Just before (M/n) could start undressing I cleared my throat catching his attention. "(M/n) I've been thinking." He raised an eyebrow, "Uh oh." I pout, "Hey be nice." He laughs, "Sorry Noya but the last time those words left your mouth I had to single-handed bring you to the hospital for a broken ankle because you thought you could do a backflip." I pout even more before we burst out in laughter, "Yeah yeah whatever. Can I continue?" He nods his head while I smile, "Alright like I said before I've been thinking and well for the last five years there was truly no one I would rather have as my traveling partner. (M/n) you make every trip better whenever you show appreciation for just about anything. You mean the absolute world to me. And I would hope that maybe you and I could continue traveling for as long as we can before we settled down in a small house together. I sure do hope you feel the same way because (M/n)." I got down one knee before pulling out the ring, "Will you do me the honor of becoming my forever?"

He teared up but nodded his head and silent tears ran down his cheeks. I could feel myself begin to cry as I slipped the ring on his finger. I stood back up and pulled him into a hug while simultaneously turning off the camera. I pulled away slightly and gently pecked his lips, "I love you (M/n). And may I just say you look adorable, baby." He smiles, "I love you too, Noya."

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

Next up:
Kenma Kozume x Akaashi Keiji

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