Hinata x Kageyama

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Character: Hinata Shoyo x Kageyama Tobio
Type: Fluff ☁️
Story Name: We love you

(M/n pov)

I let out a soft gasp as I looked down at the pregnancy test that laid inside the bathroom sink. 'It's positive. Oh my god. I'm pregnant,' I thought to myself as I slowly brought my hands up to my stomach. I was so deep into my thoughts that I almost didn't hear my phone ring. Taking a deep breath in to calm me I leave the bathroom and grabbed my phone to see it was a face-time call from my husband's. I took another deep breath before answering the call. Almost immediately I get Shoyo's eyeball on the screen as well as Tobio's chin. I giggled softly before I spoke up, "Hello blueberry. Hi, tangerine." They gave me bright smiles. "Hiii (N/n)" Shoyo said while smiling even brighter. I giggled but Tobio just rolled his eyes before he spoke up, "How are you (N/n)? I still feel bad that Shoyo and I had to leave you by yourself again because of our winter tournaments."

I gave him a smaller smile and spoke up, "It's okay, Tobio. You guys know I'm here to support the both of you in your careers. Now shouldn't you two be heading to bed considering it late where you guys are at." As soon as those words left my mouth the froze before telling me they love me and yelling goodnight they both hung up. I laugh quietly knowing full well the reason they hung up was that they knew I would tell them off for not going to bed at a reasonable time. I sigh softly before I scrolled through my contacts and found my doctor's number. I called them and ask for an appointment. By the time I got it and went I got told I would be having twins and that I was five months into my pregnancy. That would explain the sudden weight gain, constant hunger, and mood swings. At least I'm not experiencing morning sickness. I got home after the appointment and laid on the bed thinking about the best way to surprise my husbands.

~Time Skip three months~

In currently eight months pregnant and I just found out that my husbands are going against another team but in the same volleyball court. I packed two bags. One full of foods and snacks and the other one full of presents and snacks for my husbands. With that, I packed the made my way to the gym. I made sure to get a seat where I could see both of them. Once I arrived at my seat I put on a mask and watched as my husbands step onto their courts and silently promising to win for their team. I watched as both games went on silently cheering whenever either of them caused their team to get a point. Once both games were almost done and they were both winning I quickly stood up and talked to one of the security guards. They quickly brought me to an entrance. I hid my belly the best I could by taking Tobio's hoodie and putting it on as well as using the present bag to hide it.

I stepped into the court and watched from far away as they cheered with their teams their win. Both teams began to mingle so I took that as my chance to walk over to them. Once I was close enough their teammates recognize me. I pulled down my mask and cleared my throat once I was close enough. Their heads immediately snapped over to me before they began speed walking toward me but before they could jump onto me like they usually do I removed the bag and yelled, "Wait no you're going to hurt the babies." There was a pause from everyone and Shoyo was the first to speak up, "Babies? As in more than one. As in your pregnant with our babies." I smiled at them and nodded my head. They walked over to me and began to gently rub my belly. Tobio kneeled and began kissing my belly which led me to laugh since it tickled. Once Tobio stood up again they both kissed my cheek, "We love you so much." I smiled, "I love you too."

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

Next up:
Asahi Azumane (Age Regression)

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