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Character: Iwaizumi Hajime
Type: Small bit of angst💔, Fluff☁️
Story Name: I promise
*Tattoo shop AU*

(Iwaizumi pov)

What could have been a normal week for me was spent having anxiety and being nervous for the weekend to come? I couple of months ago I had been forced to go with Oikawa on a tattoo appointment he had made for himself and well let's just say I met the hottest guy in the world. Now I'm not one to fall in love that easily but he was just so sweet, kind, and we had a decent conversation as Oikawa got his tattoo done. While Oikawa had paid for his tattoos upfront, the guy whose name I learned was (M/n) and I had exchanged numbers. We had both agreed to keep in touch and even though he was the owner of the tattoo shop we still kept in contact. It had been a couple of months since we last saw each other since I had gone to college and got busy with that. When I finally got back for summer break I immediately set up a tattoo appointment even though I was scared of needles.

Just the other day Makki, Mattsun, Oikawa, and I had been on a lunch reunion and I mentioned how I think that I might not be (M/n)'s type and I'm not too sure if he even liked me. I sighed softly as I thought back to how Makki said that maybe he liked people with tattoos and piercings after I had shown them a picture of what he looked like. I just can't help but feel mildly insecure about the way I look. I like (M/n) and I want him to find me attractive which is what led me to get a tattoo. And since his tattoo shop was the only one I knew about I made an appointment with him. It took a lot of motivation and pep talk for me to convince myself to make the appointment in the first place but I won't cancel it. One I get to see (M/n) and two I want to be able to be (M/n) ideal type.

*Day of appointment*

I wore a sleeveless shirt and some shorts since it was quite hot as I made my way to the tattoo shop. Once I arrived at the shop I breathed in and out a couple of times before I went inside. The bell rang above me and I see the receptionist smiling brightly at me. I tell her my name as well as who I asked to have my appointment with. She asked me to sit down and wait for my name to be called. It wasn't long till (M/n) came out and called my name with a soft smile on his face. I followed after him and into his room only to see that none of his usual tools were out on the prep table. He lightly patted the chair where the client's door was before he sat down. I gave him a confused lol but sat down. "Where's all of your tattoo equipment?" I asked with a small look of confusion on my face. He grabbed my hand and began rubbing my knuckles, "Iwaizumi I know you don't like needles. I saw the way you paled at the sight of it when you're friend got his tattoo. Now care to explain why you're here even though you're scared of needles?"

I began to fiddle with the hem of my shorts as I looked down at my lap. "It's just and this might sound dumb but I like you and I got it in my head that you might not like me and that you have a specific type." I heard him sigh and I shut my eyes and waited for him to reject me and start making fun of me. Instead, I felt him grab my chin before he made me look at him, "Iwaizumi since the moment I've met you I have not been able to get you off my mind. So don't go saying you're not my type. I don't ever give my number away but your beauty, strength, and kindness all drew me in." I blushed and gave him a small smile. He smiled back before he leaned towards me, "May I?" I huffed and kissed him. He smiled into the kiss and brought his hands up to the back of my neck and tilted his head deepening the kiss. We pulled away panting slightly. He cupped my face in his hand before he spoke up, "I'd love to go out with you on a date and eventually become boyfriends."

I smiled softly, "I would love that. But do you like me for all of me? I know I sound annoying and insecure but I just wanna make sure." He kissed my forehead before he spoke up, "I like every single part of you. And I'm sure I'll love the parts of you I'll get to know in the future too." I blushed, "You promise?" He smiled, "I promise." And true to his word (M/n) loved every part of me the same way I love every part of him.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I did something a little different with the storyline but I like it. Anyways I love you my sweet potatoes.

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