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Character: Bokuto Kotaro
Type: Fluff ☁️
Story Name: You're okay baby
*Mafia AU*

(M/n pov)

I sat on the window bay reading my favorite book as I waited for my husband to come home. As I reached the climax of the story I heard a couple of doors slam so I looked down to see my husband and a couple of his workers. I grabbed his hoodie and slipped it on before grabbing me fixing my glasses. I head downstairs to see them taking their coats and shoes off. I lightly cleared my throat to make my presence known. Bokuto stepped out from the circle of people before he gently dropped his head on my shoulder. I giggled softly before gently playing with his hair, "Ko aren't you uncomfortable in this position? You're bent over your back should be hurting." He shrugged and brought his arms up to wrap them around my waist. I looked over at the rest of his team before sighing softly and speaking up, "Would any of you care to tell me what happened today to cause my husband to be like this?"

Almost immediately Akaashi was pushed to the front for him to explain. He rolled his eyes at the rest of the team before he spoke up, "Bokuto-san just had a lot of issues with a deal we had made with a company. They were trying to scam us for our money in order to ensure their company start well. They ended up getting caught red-handed by me and when I told Bokuto-san he was anything but happy and well it was a tiring fight till the end and Bokuto-san just wanted to come home to you after all of that happened. So we're collectin collectively brought him because he didn't look like he was gonna obey traffic laws." I sighed and smiled softly at them, "Thank you for bringing Ko home safely. Feel free to make yourselves at home. And I'm sorry the deal didn't go as planned."

I looked down at Bokuto as he looked up at me with a pout and puppy eyes. I rolled my eyes playfully, "Now if you'll excuse me I have to take care of my big man child." They laughed but let me be as I half carried half dragged Bokuto back to our shared bedroom. I walked us over to the bathroom and sat him down on the toilet. I started a warm bath with Bokuto's favorite bath bomb. I helped him strip and into the shower so that he could wash off the grime and dirt. Once that was done he immediately got in the bathtub. I got some Jojoba oil and began to lightly massage his shoulder and neck area. He hummed softly as I dragged my fingers over his knots. "Thank you so much for taking care of me, love," Bokuto said as he grabbed my hand and pressed a kiss onto my wrist. "You're okay, baby. There's no need for you to thank me. I'll always be here for you."

Once that was done and he was out of the bath and dressed we laid on the bed and as I finished the book I was reading before as Bokuto laid his head on my shoulder and I played with his hair. "I love you, (M/n)." He said softly. I pecked his forehead and smiled down at him, "I love you too, Bo."

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

Next up:
Tsukishima Kei (Omegaverse)

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