Akaashi x Osamu

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Character: Akaashi Keiji x Osamu Miya
Type: Fluff ☁️
Story Name: I want to marry him

(Osamu pov)

I watched as my brother, Bokuto, Hinata, and Sakusa basically become one brain cell while Akaashi and I sat in the corner wondering what we did in our past life to deserve this kind of punishment. I feel a light tap on my shoulder so I looked over at the person and see a very exhausted Akaashi. He looked as of whatever energy he had leftover was drained by the four idiots. He let out a sigh, "Do you want to get some fresh air? I need to get out of this gym before I start losing brain cells." I chuckled and nodded my head. We didn't tell the idiots we were leaving. Once we were far enough that they couldn't come running to us I texted Atsumu and told him Akaashi and I had left to walk around. As we walked through the city in a comfortable silence we came across a small hidden cafe/flower shop.

Akaashi and I looked at each other before I spoke up, "How bout some coffee and snacks before we head back?" He smiled and nodded his head in agreement. As we walked in the smell of freshly brewed coffee hit us like a truck followed by the smell of newly bloomed flowers. As we approached the register we saw that there was no employee up at the front but there was a bell. Akaashi took the initiative and pressed on it. Not long after the most adorable guy, I've ever seen in all of my life came through the kitchen door. "Mr.Lee, I've told you before you don't have to pay-." He stopped mid-sentence when he realized that it was this Mr.Lee he was talking about but us. He looked up at us with wide eyes before he smiled, "Welcome to [Cafe Name]. I'm (M/n) the owner of this place, how may I help you two."

Neither Akaashi nor I said anything because we were so infatuated with the angel in front of us. (M/n) tilted his head and waved a hand in front of us before speaking up, "Are you two okay?" We nodded our heads before Akaashi spoke up, "We're more than okay. Do you happen to have any recommendations for a drink that can restore our energies because we just spent two hours with four very energetic volleyball players?" He paused before he smiled and nodded, "Please feel free to sit down. I'll bring the drinks over to you two." In our daze, Akaashi and I did as told before we buried our faces in our hands with giant blushed on our cheeks. "He's so beautiful, cute, adorable there aren't enough words in the dictionary to describe how wonderful he is," Akaashi said softly. I nodded my head in agreement with his statement.

Not long after we were pulled out of our daydreams by the same person who caused them. We smiled at (M/n) before we grabbed the drinks from him. He smiled at us, "Please enjoy. And call me if you need me for anything." Once he was out of earshot I turned towards Akaashi and spoke up, "I want to marry him. I swear he's perfect in every aspect." Akaashi nodded his head. Suddenly, Akaashi smirked before he spoke up, "Hey (M/n), can you come here real quick?" (M/n) came around with a nervous look on his face, "Is everything okay, sir?" Akaashi smiled at (M/n) before he spoke up, "Well cutie, Osamu and I were wondering if you were single and willing to go on a date with us?" Both (M/n) and I blushed bright red. (M/n) began fiddling with his fingers, "I would love to go on a date with you two." We smiled at each other before smiling back at him.


It was three years later and I ended up opening my onigiri shop right next to (M/n)'s shop while Keiji worked from home. The three of us couldn't be happier.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

Next up:
Kageyama Tobio

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