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Character: Sugawara Koushi
Type: Fluff ☁️
Story Name: I'll love you no matter what
*Fanon Hinata reader*

(Sugawara pov)

I could feel something was off about the atmosphere of the gym I just can't seem to figure out what's wrong. As I set up the volleyball net Daichi came up to help me tie it up properly. "Hey Sugawara, where's your boyfriend? I haven't seen him or really heard him either." I raised an eyebrow at him, "What do you mean heard him?" Daichi chuckled awkwardly, "I mean your boyfriend isn't the quietest person in the room. He's quite energetic and somehow I'm surprised he hasn't jumped up towards the ceiling at this point." I stare at him, "Have people been saying there to his face?" Daichi looked confused but he shrugged, "I don't know. Most I know is that he's always getting told off by teachers. And more often than not I pass by an area when you're busy and he's eating lunch alone." My eyes widened and I couldn't help but feel like I'd failed my boyfriend.

I quickly grabbed my stuff before I headed out. I finally figured out why the gym atmosphere felt wrong. My adorable boyfriend was nowhere to be found. I quickly figure out that my boyfriend probably isn't at school anymore. I make my way to his house as fast as my legs let me. Once I arrived I heard music and the sound of a ball hitting the wall coming from the backyard. I walked back there only to see my boyfriend practicing by himself. "(M/n)? Baby are you okay? Why weren't you at practice?" He stared at me with wide eyes before responding, "I'm fine Kou. What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at practice?" I shook my head, "Why go to the practice if my favorite person isn't even there today? Now, are you going to tell me what's up, my love?" He looked down at his feet before sighing softly and walking over to me. "Do you think I'm too energetic? Everyone keeps telling me I need to calm down. No one wants to be my friend. They keep telling me that I'm far too annoying to hang around and at some point, I couldn't help but feel like they might be saying the truth."  I gently grabbed his face in my hand and made him look up at me.

I leaned down and placed kisses on his forehead, temples, nose, cheeks, and lastly his lips. By the end, he was red on the face and he had a small smile on his lips. "I'll love you no matter what. You mean the world to me, (M/n). Don't let what those people say about you get to you. Your energy is no reason to work harder myself. No one on the team thinks your annoying. So please don't let your amazing personality be changed by people who are assholes on the daily for no reason." He looks at me with a bright smile and love-filled gaze, "I love you so much, Kou. Thank you for being here for me. It's all thanks to you that I can find my calmness." I smiled and pecked his lips once more, "I love you more, (M/n)."

I hope you guys enjoyed it. Sorry I've been sorta inactive. I love you my sweet potatoes ❤️

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