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Character: Sakusa Kiyoomi
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: But I'm your idiot

(M/n pov)

I was laying on the bed staring up at the ceiling when I left out a soft sigh. I turned on my side and stared at the back of Kiyoomi's head and let out another sigh. I could hear him breathe in sharply before he spoke up, "What's wrong now, (M/n)?" I smiled and nuzzled my nose against his neck, "Omi, I'm bored. I want ice cream or cake." He turned around and flicked my forehead, "(M/n) it's midnight and I have practice tomorrow. And YOU have stuff to do tomorrow too." I stared at him before I pouted. We stared at each other as my eyes began tearing up. He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose before he groaned loudly. He sat up and threw his legs over the side of the bed allowing me to get the perfect view of his back muscles. "Stop staring and get ready." He said while stretching. I grinned like a mad man before I got up on my knees and wrapped my arms around his neck.

I kissed his cheek before I ran off the bed. Since I already had some sleeping shorts I decided to steal another one of Kiyoomi's hoodies. I stood in front of him as he continued to stretch. I stood in between his legs as he wrapped his arms and my waist. He put his chin on my chest and looked up at me. I gave him a bright smile before placing a kiss on each of his moles. "Let's go Omi. You're taking too long." I said. He rolled his eyes and I let go of him so that he could stand up. Once he finished getting ready and we got our shoes on we headed down the streets of Tokyo in the direction of our closest convenience store. Usually, when we're walking in the day there is this park we have to go through to get to the convenience store. As we arrived at said park an idea popped into my head.

I smirked when I saw Kiyoomi was distracted by the stars in the sky. I as sneakily as possible made my way over to him. I grabbed his face in my hands and pecked his lips completely catching him off guard. Once I pulled away from him I said, "Tag your it" before running off and away from him. He stood in his place for a couple of seconds processing what just happened before he yelled, "(M/n) get your ass back here." We ran around the park for what seemed like forever but in fact, only was like five minutes. As I hid behind a tree I realized that I couldn't hear or see any sign of Kiyoomi. I peeked my head from on side of the tree and let out of breath of relief thinking I had lost him. But when I lean my back against the tree I was caged by someone's body. I looked up and saw a smirking Kiyoomi. He leaned down and pecked my lips before he pulled away and spoke up, "I win."

I pouted before I smiled, "Come on I still want that ice cream or cake." He rolled his eyes before he nuzzled his nose against mine. He hummed before he pulled away, "Okay let's go." He grabbed my hand and we continued to walk through the park before finally arriving at the convenience store. "Are you going to pay Omi? Because I may or may not have forgotten my wallet." He rolled his eyes and went to check his pockets but his eyes widened. "I forgot my wallet too." He said while staring at me with wide eyes. I blink up at him, "So no ice cream or cake?" He nodded his head. I blink a couple more times before speaking, "But ice cream." He sighed, "Sorry baby. No ice cream or cake today." I pouted, "We're idiots." He laughed a bit, "Yeah but at least we're idiots together." I smiled, "Let's go home. I just remembered I bought ice cream the other day." He started at me, "You're an idiot." I smirked at him, "But I'm your idiot."

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

Next up:
Kuroo Tetsurou (Omegaverse)

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