Tsukishima x Yamaguchi

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Character: Tsukishima Kei x Yamaguchi Tadashi
Type: Lil angst💔, Fluff☁️
Story Name: We like you the way you are
Request: FukaseJNormal
*FtM reader*
⚠️Deadnaming, (D/n)⚠️

(M/n pov)

I sighed softly as I looked down at the papers in front of me. I quickly signed the ones that needed my signature of approval before I put them away. I take another deep breath before I stood up and grabbed my school bag and the rest of my stuff. I began heading home but before that, I decided to stop by the volleyball team gym. As I entered they were all making a ruckus as usual but I ignored them and walked over to my cousin, Hitoka. She smiled as soon as she saw me and we began talking amongst ourselves. While we did so I could feel two pairs of eyes on me but I just chose to ignore them. It wasn't long till I heard my phone ring interrupting my conversation. Hitoka and I immediately knew who it was and she gave me a look of pity and worry. I quickly left the gym and answered the phone, "(D/n) where are you? You should be home by now? You shouldn't be out at these hours." I take a deep breath before replying, "Sorry mom, I'll be home soon." And with that, I hung up and headed back home.

*Time skip*

Every day for the last week when I didn't have any school council work I would go see Hitoka and hang out with her. She had introduced me to the team and Tsukishima and Yamaguchi had caught my eyes but I decided not to say anything since I doubted they liked me back. My happiness was cut short because the guys who got suspended for bullying me officially came back. They almost immediately began to target me. At first, it was small remarks under their breaths. Soon that turned to taunts and backhanded jokes. And just a week and a half into them back beginning the physical bullying. I sighed as I rubbed my upper arm where I had received a punch. I was making my way to the gym after school when all of sudden I was grabbed by the arm and I was pulled into the side of the volleyball gym.

I looked up with wide eyes when the realization hit me that in front of me stood my bullies. The main one smirked down at me before he smirked, "(D/n) why do you keep running away from us? We just want to talk. No big deal, right?" He stared at me expectantly but I simply looked down at the ground. Before I could get up and react he grabbed me by my hair and brought his other hand to punch me I closed my eyes but when I didn't feel the punch I opened my eyes. My bully was looking at someone with wide eyes and when I looked at the person my eyes widened when I realized it was Tsukishima and Yamaguchi. Tsukishima leaned down to my bully's height before he spoke up, "Now dick wad I suggest you apologize and stay away from (M/n) before I and the entirety beat you to hell and back." My bully whispered a short apology before him and the rest of the group ran away.

My face was grabbed by Yamaguchi as he looked over me making sure I wasn't hurt. I blushed slightly and he spoke up, "Are you okay? Did they hit you at all? Are you hurt at all?" I shook my head before I spoke up, "I'm okay, and um thank you for helping me out." They gave me small smiles and Yamaguchi let me go. Tsukishima shrugged before he spoke, "I mean why should let you get hurt, short stack." I stared up at him before I giggled softly. They stared at me with matching light blushes before Yamaguchi spoke up, "(M/n) can I ask you something?" I nod my head before he took a deep breath and spoke up, "Listen (M/n) since the moment we've met you and Tsukki can attest to this you've caught our interest. Now it's okay to say no but how do you feel about going on a date with us?"

I stared at them with wide eyes before I spoke up, "Wait seriously? You guys aren't playing with me?" Tsukishima frowned slightly, "Course not, short stack. We like you the way you are and nothing could change that. Plus we're petty opened minded. Plus it doesn't hurt that you're cute." I blushed lightly before smiling, "I would love to go on a date with you guys."

Sure enough, the date went wonderful. Soon enough we went on more dates before we began dating officially. Soon enough after high school, they started their volleyball careers and I went to college happily waiting for them to come every time I knew they would come home. Thought I'd never felt the need to say it out loud but I'm glad we ended up together because they truly make me happy.

Hope you guys enjoyed the story. I love you my sweet potatoes. Hope you're having an amazing day.

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